Ready to Challenge Trump's New Travel Ban in Court: New York AG
Ready to Challenge Trump's New Travel Ban in Court: New York AG
US President Donald Trump's revised executive order temporarily halting entry to the US for people from six nations still has the "intent" to discriminate against Muslims and authorities here are ready to go to court against it, New York Attorney General said on Tuesday.

New York: US President Donald Trump's revised executive order temporarily halting entry to the US for people from six nations still has the "intent" to discriminate against Muslims and authorities are ready to go to court against it, New York Attorney General said on Tuesday.

"While the White House may have made changes to the ban, the intent to discriminate against Muslims remains clear. This does not just harm the families caught in the chaos of President Trump's draconian policies it is diametrically opposed to our values, and makes us less safe," Eric Schneiderman said.

He said courts across the country had made it clear that Trump is "not above the Constitution".Also Read: Donald Trump's New Travel Ban Raises Bar for Legal Challenges

Schneiderman said that his office is closely reviewing the new executive order and he stands ready to "litigate -- again -- in order to protect New York's families, institutions and economy".

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