Why An Aircraft’s Fuel Is Stored In Its Wings
Why An Aircraft’s Fuel Is Stored In Its Wings
According to aviation expert Rebecca Williams, this is done to balance the weight of the ship.

We have all seen or travelled via aeroplanes. It is one of the fastest modes to commute. But have you ever wondered where the fuel is stored in a plane? In other aircraft, the fuel tank is usually in the main body, but in aeroplanes, the fuel is kept in the wings. Do you know why? An aviation expert has recently shared the details on social media, which is currently garnering everyone’s attention. He shared that the fuel in the plane is not stored in its main part of the body, but in its wings. Let’s take a look at why aeroplane fuel is stored in the wings. According to aviation expert Rebecca Williams, the fuel of the plane is stored in the wings because it helps balance the weight of the ship. This is because fuel is considered to be one of the heaviest components of an aircraft.

On some long-haul flights, fuel can account for up to one-third of the aircraft’s total weight. So, if this heavy weight is stored in the main part of the body, there won’t be enough room for the luggage in the aircraft.

The structure of the aircraft will also be affected, due to which fuel is stored in the wings. Rebecca further shared that if the fuel is kept in the rear part of the plane; then due to the excess weight, while flying, its front part will lift. When the fuel runs out, the front part will lean forward during landing. To avoid this problem, fuel is stored in the wings of the aircraft. This reduces the pressure on the wings in flight and spreads the load evenly over the entire airframe.

Apart from this, fuel is stored in the wings as it receives the benefit of gravity. Due to this, fuel continues to flow to the engines without relying on pumps in case of any fault.

Overall, an aircraft’s wing contains a significant amount of extra space not used for storage, is easily accessible, and is responsible for creating lift for the entire airframe. In addition to increasing the aircraft’s strength and stability during takeoff, placing the fuel in the wings frees up space for more cargo capacity.

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