Watch: Woman Sings Lord Krishna’s Bhajan On Delivery Table. Internet Says ‘Mother's Love Is Unmatched’
Watch: Woman Sings Lord Krishna’s Bhajan On Delivery Table. Internet Says ‘Mother's Love Is Unmatched’
The woman’s devotion caught the Internet’s attention, with many people labelling the act as the "purest form of love."

A heartwarming video of a woman singing a bhajan while delivering her baby has gone viral. The clip opens to the mom-to-be lying on the operation table as doctors perform Caesarean-section (C-section) surgery. The woman’s devotion caught the Internet’s attention, with many people labelling the act as the “purest form of love.”

The video was shared on X (formerly Twitter) The text attached to the clip read, “‘A Moment of goosebumps’ She literally prayed to give eternal life to the baby.”

Watch the viral video here:

The video has garnered over 3 lakh views so far.

A user wrote, “Hats off to this lady,” while another added, “Mother’s love is unmatched.”

Many have appreciated her ability to sing beautifully, stating, “Singing so nicely despite the pain.”

One viewer admitted, “Ufff! Made me emotional.”

A person added, “The pure devotion. My eyes filled with tears and her voice was even sweeter…”

Praise for the woman’s gesture continued with reactions like “a mother’s relationship is a priceless one” and “only in India these things are possible, divine.”

Sharing her own experience, a woman wrote, “Even I was lucky enough to have played kirtan in my labour room that too during peak covid 2020. However, mine was normal and couldn’t perform it live so beautifully.”

Amidst the sea of comments, one user shared, “Once you associate yourself with Krishna, there’s no looking back! You get the positive perspective in everything, you start accepting more and complaining less, you won’t even realise how big an impact these small changes in perspective have on everything !! Hare Krishna.”

This isn’t the first instance of hymns echoing through hospital walls. In another instance, Priti Dixit, 70, sang Lord Shiva bhajan while her daughter-in-law, Upasana gave birth to her child at a hospital reportedly in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh.

The beautiful moment was captured on video and shared on social media.

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