Shocking Video: Woman Attacked By 15 Dogs Recalls Harrowing Encounter
Shocking Video: Woman Attacked By 15 Dogs Recalls Harrowing Encounter
"I tried to scare the dogs away as they rounded me up. I fell and they started attacking me," the woman recalled.

While it’s crucial to protect and adequately feed stray dogs, it’s equally important for authorities to take responsibility for their care. Without proper attention, there’s a risk they may become aggressive and pose harm to people. A recent incident circulating on social media underscores this concern, where a woman was viciously attacked by a pack of stray dogs, captured on CCTV and now viral online. The attack occurred in Hyderabad as the woman stepped out for a morning walk. The footage has sparked diverse reactions, with many expressing growing concerns over the rising aggression of stray dogs in recent times.

A viral clip on the microblogging platform X (formerly Twitter) depicts a harrowing incident where a woman was attacked by a group of stray dogs. In the video, the woman is seen walking when several stray dogs suddenly approach, barking aggressively. Despite her attempts to scare them off and protect herself, the dogs persistently surround and bark at her. At one point, she resorts to using her footwear to fend them off but is unable to deter them for long.

The situation escalates as the dogs continue to pursue her, causing her to fall to the ground. Fortunately, a person on a scooter arrives, and she reaches out for assistance. Eventually, the dogs retreat, and another person is seen chasing them away. The distressing incident, uploaded by the handle Ghar ke kalesh, came with the text, “A heartbreaking incident has come to light from Hyderabad, a woman who had gone out for a morning walk was attacked by about 15 street dogs.”

The victim in the video was identified as Rajeshwari. She has sustained minor injuries. Speaking to the news agency ANI, she recalled, “While I was walking between the 3rd and the 4th block, there were two dogs there. I saw them and walked away from them. But one of those dogs barked and all the dogs started attacking me. I tried to scare them away as they rounded me up. I fell and the dogs started attacking me.”

She added, “If it was a child of my place, the dogs would have surely killed the child. I have 2 pet dogs in my house and thus I could handle the dogs,” as quoted by ANI.

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