PUBG Mobile India Series 2020: Registration, Rules and Prize List of PMIS 2020
PUBG Mobile India Series 2020: Registration, Rules and Prize List of PMIS 2020
PMIS 2020 registrations will close on Sunday, May 17, and a total of 256 teams will feature in the first round of PUBG Mobile's India tournament.

PUBG Mobile's official India tournament, the PUBG Mobile India Series 2020 by Tencent Gaming, is all set to go underway soon. Registrations for PMIS 2020 have been opened up, and will continue for one week until Sunday, May 17. With the Covid-19 lockdown still largely in place, registration for one of India's largest e-sports tournaments is expected to soar. As a result, in order to have the best teams qualify for the finals of PMIS 2020, Tencent has laid out key rules and procedures that all teams will have to clear in order to proceed in the tournament. The final prize money for PMIS 2020 is Rs 50 lakh, and the ultimate bragging rights of being the best players of PUBG Mobile in India.


Any team can register for PMIS 2020 through PUBG Mobile's official channels. To register, all interested players can click on the link here, or head to PUBG Mobile India's official website. The registration form requires all teams to have a formal name, a team logo, a team owner/captain (can be two separate people as well), and a total of four players. Contestants, once added, cannot be substituted or altered post registration. There is no payable fee for registering for the PUBG Mobile India tournament. For further details about the exact rules of the tournament, read the rulebook here.

Tournament stages

  • In-game qualifiers: Since thousands of participants are expected to sign up for PMIS 2020, the first round will feature in-game qualifiers. These will be played from inside the classic mode of the PUBG Mobile app, and at least 15 matches will need to be played between May 20 and 24. At the end of the five days, 10 of the team's best matches will be taken into consideration, and for the next stage — the online qualifiers.
  • Online qualifiers: A total of 256 teams will feature in the PMIS 2020 online qualifiers this year. For the sign-in details for this phase, PUBG Mobile India says, "Lobby ID and password will be shared with you on community platforms like Whatsapp or Discord before the match by tournament organisers. You will receive an invite link to the community." Of these 256 teams, 248 will be selected from the in-game qualifiers, and eight, presumably high profile teams will receive a direct invite link to the tournament. These 256 teams will then be divided into 16 groups of 16 teams each. Groups will play two games each, following which the top three teams from each group will directly qualify for the quarter finals. Additionally, eight more teams with the highest number of kills (outside the selected 48) will also be added, bringing the total qualifying teams up to 56.
  • Quarter finals: Eight more 'pro' teams would be invited to participate at this point, bringing the total number of participant groups up to 64. These would be divided into four groups of 16 each. Every group will play six matches, and the eight best squads from each group will then proceed to the semi finals. Hence, a total of 32 teams will make it to the penultimate stage of the tournament.
  • Semi finals: In this round, teams will be divided into four groups of eight teams each, and the deciders will be played in a 'round robin' format. At the end of this round, the best 16 of all the teams will feature in the grand finals.
  • Grand finals: These squads will play 18 matches over a span of three days. At the end of these matches, the squad that has the highest cumulative score will be declared the winner of PUBG Mobile India Series 2020.

Prize money

Encouragingly, all 16 finalist teams at PMIS 2020 will walk away with something in hand, starting with a prize of Rs 50,000 for the 16th placed team. The winner of PMIS 2020 will be awarded Rs 20 lakh, while the second and third placed teams will win Rs 5 lakh and Rs 3 lakh each. Tencent is also offering a number of 'special' awards, such as the player with the most number of MVPs in the tournament (Rs 50,000), the squad with maximum number of kills (Rs 1 lakh), and more. For the full details of the prize money at PMIS 2020, head to page 23 of the PUBG Mobile India Series 2020 rulebook, which you can find here. The total amount of all awards is Rs 50 lakh.

Other rules

According to the tournament's most important rules, PUBG Mobile players should note that they will need to register four players compulsorily, and will have to produce a team logo upon registration. The tournament matches can only be played on a mobile phone and not on iPads/tablets. Further, no triggers or emulators are allowed to be used during the tournament. Reports on the internet state that participants will also be mandated to download an "anti-cheating app", so as to ensure fair playing grounds for all players.

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