Divide in Vishwa Hindu Parishad Over Pravin Togadia Issue
Divide in Vishwa Hindu Parishad Over Pravin Togadia Issue
A few days ago, in Gujarat, Pravin Togadia had alleged that the central government is hatching a conspiracy against him and he might be killed in a fake encounter.

Lucknow: The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) seems to be divided over the recent controversy regarding VHP President Pravin Togadia. Many in the central leadership have started maintaining a distance after the recent allegations by Togadia on the central government, while many VHP leaders have decided to stand by him.

VHP’s Dharm Sansad is taking place in Allahabad’s Magh Mela where chief minister of UP, Yogi Adityanath, is also participating.

A few days ago, in Gujarat, Pravin Togadia had alleged that the central government is hatching a conspiracy against him and he might be killed in a fake encounter.

After that, the central leadership of VHP maintaining a distance. But, the state leadership of VHP has come to the rescue of Togadia and have decided to stand by him, giving a clear indication of a divide within VHP.

At the same time, Swami Chinmayanand, a senior member of VHP's Margdarshak Mandal, has refused to discuss Togadia's issue at the Sant Sammelan in the ongoing Magh Mela in Allahabad and have stated that saints do not have time to discuss such issues.

Echoing the same sentiments, VHP central minister Ashok Tiwari also refused to discuss the issue of the VHP President.

On the contrary, the state level VHP leaders have claimed that they will hold a series of discussions on the issue of Togadia in the Dharm Sabha on Friday. These VHP leaders have also made it clear that they stand with their President and also claim that if their President, Pravin Togadia, has made such a big allegation then there must be something which had forced him to take such a step.

Speaking to news18, Vishnu Srivastava, a state level VHP leader, says that the VHP activists and office bearers are with their President Pravin Togadia.

Meanwhile, Congress party has taken a jibe on VHP’s divide over Togadia issue. Senior Congress leader in Allahabad; Abhay Awasthi Baba termed it as ‘domestic violence’ inside VHP. Awasthi said that he has full sympathy for VHP's executive president and it is sad for Togadia that he is now abandoned by people he had fought for all his life.

As per reports, after his allegations on Narendra Modi government, Pravin Togadia has been asked by the RSS to step down from his post. But Togadia is adamant and making pressure to continue as VHP president. RSS sources say that if Togadia does not resign on his own, then might soon remove him from his post.

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