Opinion | Ilhan Omar to Barack Obama Attack India with Fount of Propaganda, Drought of Facts
Opinion | Ilhan Omar to Barack Obama Attack India with Fount of Propaganda, Drought of Facts
The narrative of persecution only exists in the agenda of anti-India interests who seem to have converged — Wahabi and Salafi Islamists, evangelical missionaries, globalist Commies, and sections of Western deep states

The Islamist voice in the US Congress, Ilhan Omar, came out with a press release and introduced a resolution in the House of Representatives during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s US visit last week.

The press release says: “Ilhan Omar introduced a resolution today to condemn human rights violations and violations of international religious freedom in India, including those targeting Muslims, Christians, Jews, Sikhs, Dalits, Adivasis, and other religious and cultural minorities.”

Her inclusion of just one word, ‘Jews’, is the biggest advertisement of how Western media and a section of Dem-Labour establishment have leaned entirely on their biases to talk about India and how little they care to know or research about the country they so despise. It also exposes Omar’s hypocrisy about pretending to care about Jews after years of anti-Semitic utterances and siding with Islamic aggression and terror against Israel.

India’s 7,000-odd Jews face no discrimination. Israel has repeatedly acknowledged that Jews have been treated unjustly in almost every part of the world except India.

A 2009 worldwide study commissioned by the Israeli foreign ministry showed that the greatest level of sympathy towards Israel was in India, with 58% of Indian respondents being quite positive about Israel.

In February 2007, during the first Jewish-Hindu interfaith leadership summit in New Delhi, Rabbi Yona Metzger said, “Jews have lived in India for over 2,000 years and have never been discriminated against. This is something unparalleled in human history.”

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu reinforced during his 2018 India visit that “Jews in India have never witnessed antisemitism like in some other countries. This is a tribute to India’s great civilisation, tolerance and democracy.”

Ilhan and her ilk, who have no real experience of this nation but use lazy toolkits and templates to further their anti-India agenda, are trying to fire from the shoulders of their other target, the Jews, to tarnish the great Bharatiya civilisation, its tolerance and democracy.

Whether it is Barack Obama, under whose presidency the US dropped more than 26,000 bombs on seven Muslim countries in just 2016, or Sabrina Siddique, a Muslim Wall Street Journal journalist whose question to PM Modi had nothing to do with economy or business but about…you guessed it…Muslims, it was as if the anti-India lobby was firing from all its weaponry without even understanding the shape and nature of its target.

Obama talked about India’s ethnic Muslim population, little realising that Indian Muslims are of the same ethnicity as Hindus. They simply got converted, mostly by the sword during Islamic invasions and rule.

Those saying Muslims are persecuted and not allowed to practice their religion in India — Obama even hinted at the possibility of civil war and balkanisation — just need to walk the nation’s streets, especially on Fridays, to know better. Even then if they choose to shut their eyes, there is data and more data.

A 2021 Pew research with a staggering 30,000 respondents found that 98% Muslims in India said they were free to practice their religion. Just 2% said they were not “too free”.

Under Modi, the share of Muslims in prison population (convicts, undertrials, detenues) declined to 18.7% in 2021 from 20.2% in 2020.

Muslims have been equal beneficiaries of welfare from housing to cooking gas, water to electricity, health cover to vaccines.

The narrative of persecution only exists in the agenda of anti-India interests who seem to have converged — Wahabi and Salafi Islamists, evangelical missionaries, globalist Commies, and sections of Western deep states. Their homework and respect for facts are weak, but they make it up with bountiful will to hurt India.

Abhijit Majumder is a senior journalist. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not represent the stand of this publication.

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