UP-Bihar Maulvis Preach Hybrid Terrorism in Valley: Intel Note Accessed by CNN-News18
UP-Bihar Maulvis Preach Hybrid Terrorism in Valley: Intel Note Accessed by CNN-News18
The note stated that these maulvis first test their knowledge of Islam and then “ridicule the youngsters for not being good Muslims”. They then start to instigate them for jihad (fight for religion), the note stated

The Maulvis (Islam priests) from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar are responsible for hybrid terrorism in the Valley, the Intel note accessed exclusively by CNN-News18 suggests. They exploit Kashmiri youth’s limited knowledge of Quran to mislead them covertly, it stated.

Maulvis from Bihar and UP visit Kashmir for livelihood, as they are easily able to find jobs as imams.

‘Hybrid terrorists’ are the ones who are not listed with the forces but recruited for specific terror attacks

The note stated that these maulvis first test their knowledge of Islam and then “ridicule the youngsters for not being good Muslims”.

They then start to instigate them for jihad (fight for religion), the note stated.


Shangus tehsil used to be one of the most peaceful tehsil of Anantnag. Many families from the region have sent their kids to the Army or paramilitary or police force. The Army has an ordnance factory in the tehsil, which employs many people

During the 2008 Amarnath Yatra agitation, too, the tehsil remained peaceful and acted as a buffer between Anantnag and Kokernag, a sensitive area.

In 2012-13, amid internal fights and corruption in mosques, maulvis from UP were hired.

“Consequently, the agitation after Burhan Wani’s death saw Shangus turn violent. Police later identified the root cause and picked up the maulvi and sent them out of the district,” the note said.

Similar phenomenon was observed in Pulwama, Watchi, Kulgam and Shopian, it added.

Agencies feel outsiders come, easily prey on the minds of the youth and leave after finishing their job.

A recent intercept showed that the terrorists in Pakistan are maintaining “Kashmir on auto mode. The things are being done automatically”.


Kashmiri maulvis demand good package from the Masjid Committees and also seek accommodation. They are also picky about their work. Besides, they seek offs to visit their families.

“Outsiders usually are more regular and don’t ask for much. They live in rented accommodation and earn good money by teaching Quran to young Kashmiri kids even at home,” it stated.

Even the Tablighi Jamaats who visit Kashmir talk about religion and urge people to go to masjids, but the focus is only on the job, said one of them.

“Kashmir is being ruined by Pakistan,” he told CNN-News18, even as he remained tightlipped about the political developments.

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