Tantrums To Inflated Ego: What Are The Signs Of A Narcissistic Child?
Tantrums To Inflated Ego: What Are The Signs Of A Narcissistic Child?
Children may often show self-harming behaviour and narcissistic approaches towards life due to pent-up emotions and many other issues.

Parenting is not an easy job. Every moment, parents spend their time teaching their children the way of living in this world, rectifying their wrongs, and inculcating good habits in them.

Children often tend to imitate people from their immediate surroundings- which can mean picking up habits, behaviour, gestures, words, etc.

As per a study called ‘Origins of Narcissism in children’ from Princeton, New Jersey, children’s experiences grow and have an impact on their development. Parenting styles, their perspective of the child, and interaction can influence the chances of their children showing signs of narcissism.

For example, parents instil self-esteem in children by showing appreciation in a warm and affectionate manner. But childhood narcissism can occur when a parent perceives their child as better than other children.

According to the study, the causes of narcissism in children are not entirely understood. It is believed to be linked to biological factors like genetics and environmental factors also.

However, some contradictions in research have been seen and that narcissism can be linked to environmental and parental influences too.

Here are a few signs of narcissism in children –


Your child might act selfishly and become more self-concerned than before. If not put a check on it, the behaviour will get ingrained in the child.

Excessive sensitivity to criticism

Highly sensitive narcissists tend to react adversely and intensely to constructive criticism They take things personally and get agitated thinking “how dare they say/do this to me", and have difficulty in letting go.

Throwing tantrums beyond what can be considered normal

While this is common with kids, a narcissistic child will throw tantrums and show angry behaviour and gestures. These kids use anger as a defence mechanism to justify themselves.

Seeking attention

Narcissistic kids seek more attention. They have the need to be constantly admired and appreciated and are unable to tolerate it if they are ignored.

Inflated ego

Kids with narcissism consider themselves superior. They need to be right, have control, and have the last word. If they are experiencing difficulties or feel emotionally wounded, their situation suddenly becomes worst.

There are many other factors that can lead to narcissism in a child-

  • Being abused physically or emotionally
  • Adoption or foster care
  • Cultural influences
  • Narcissistic parents
  • Being neglected by parents or caregivers
  • Overprotective parenting style

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