As Pak PM Dodges Ouster Bid, Ex-Wife Calls Him 'Mad Man' Who's 'Extremely Unsafe' For Country
As Pak PM Dodges Ouster Bid, Ex-Wife Calls Him 'Mad Man' Who's 'Extremely Unsafe' For Country
Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has been fighting tooth and nail to dodge attempts to oust him and on Sunday sought fresh elections after dissolving parliament, a move the opposition called treasonous and vowed to fight

While Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan managed to avoid an attempt to oust him and sought fresh elections after dissolving parliament, his ex-wife came out all guns blazing against him, calling him a “mad man” who is “not only risking treason for himself but also putting a nuclear state in unstable chaos”.

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has been fighting tooth and nail to dodge attempts to oust him and on Sunday sought fresh elections after dissolving parliament, a move the opposition called treasonous and vowed to fight.

The deputy speaker of parliament, a member of Imran Khan’s party Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), blocked an opposition no-confidence motion that Khan had widely been expected to lose, ruling it was part of a foreign conspiracy and unconstitutional.

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Reacting to this, his ex-wife Reham Khan, in an exclusive interview to CNN-News18, called Imran Khan a man “so egotistical that is willing to not only risk treason for himself but also put a nuclear state in a state of unstable chaos and anarchy because he is not getting what he wants”.

“I mean the fact that he does not respect the rule of law, the fact that he has no respect, nor can perhaps read the constitution is extremely, extremely unsafe for the entire region,” Reham Khan said.

She went on to say that she deserves “a lot more sympathy” than she has been getting for having “dealt with this man”.

“I think people across the region will appreciate when I said I had to deal with this man who is clearly off the rails. I think I need a lot more sympathy than I have been getting. I mean this is the action of a mad man,” she said.

“Not only is he ruining his career but also risking the safety of 220 million people. I think the fact that people have selected him for this position just goes on to show how wrong they were because he will burn the house down just because he is not being given an extension. And I think it’s extremely extremely dangerous,” Reham Khan said.

Opposition leader Shehbaz Sharif had called the blocking of the vote “nothing short of high treason” and said on Twitter there would be consequences for “blatant & brazen violation of the Constitution.” He added he hoped the Supreme Court would uphold the Constitution.

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, head of the opposition Pakistan People’s Party, promised a sit-in at parliament and told reporters, “We are also moving to the Supreme Court today.”

The Supreme Court’s chief justice said on Sunday evening the court would hear the matter on Monday and that any directions given by the president and prime minister would be subject to the court’s orders.

The opposition blames Imran Khan for failing to revive the Pakistan economy and crack down on corruption. Khan has, meanwhile, said that the move to oust him was orchestrated by the United States, a claim denied by Washington.

(With inputs from Reuters)

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