What if Mumbai Local Could Speak? Twitter Thread Depicts Beautiful 'Journey' of City's Lifeline
What if Mumbai Local Could Speak? Twitter Thread Depicts Beautiful 'Journey' of City's Lifeline
Speaking on behalf of Mumbai Locals: Twitter user's beautiful way of giving voice to trains that serve as the heartthrob of the city is all you need to read today.

Mumbai locals, the lifelines of the city, are like the energetic best friends that Mumbaikars rely on from sunup to sundown (and even beyond!). These trains not only take people to their destinations but also serve as the catalyst for countless tales and lifelong friendships. And guess what? The Mumbai locals have a story to tell too! Thanks to a fascinating Twitter thread, these chatty trains finally got to unleash their ‘vocal’ side and spill the beans on their integral role in Mumbai’s everlasting daily drama!

Twitter user Mohammed Futurewala took to his keyboard to imagine the secret thoughts of Mumbai locals if they could speak. In his imaginative thread, the trains introduced themselves with a humble declaration: “Hey, Mumbai! I am the humble Mumbai Local, the lifeline of this bustling city. Let me take you on a journey through my life, spreading inclusivity, love, and unity.”

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With origins rooted in “steel and sweat,” these trains treated everyone as equals, transcending differences of caste, creed, and colour. Their mantra? Embracing the “language of solidarity and understanding,” forging connections that defy societal boundaries.

Further capturing the essence of Mumbai locals, the heartfelt words echoed, “I remember the countless times when commuters of different faiths broke their fasts together, sharing food and laughter during festivals. Such moments fill my carriages with an overwhelming sense of belonging and remind me why I exist—to connect hearts.”

It’s a beautiful depiction of the trains that refuse to discriminate or pass judgment, embodying the spirit of Mumbai as a city where “love conquers hate, understanding triumphs over ignorance, and unity prevails over division.”

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Truly, Mumbai locals are more than just mere trains; they are the carriers of countless stories, and this unspoken tale from themselves was exactly what we needed to hear!

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