International Olympic Day 2023: Date, Theme, History and Significance
International Olympic Day 2023: Date, Theme, History and Significance
International Olympic Day is celebrated to inspire people from across the globe to get up, be active and move their bodies for the sake of their health

INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC DAY 2023: The Olympic Games, or simply Olympics, are the biggest sporting event that celebrates athletics and team sports from across the globe. More than 400 games are played with over 200 nations participating. The event is divided between Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics and each take place every four years. Olympic Day is held on June 23, annually to celebrate the spirit of the Olympics and its core values of athletic excellence, friendship and mutual respect. Below, we look at this year’s theme, the day’s history and significance.

International Olympic Day 2023: Theme

The theme of 2023 Olympic Day is simply “Let’s Move.” The theme, rather campaign, organised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the World Health organisation (WHO) is intended to inspire people across the world to move their body more and adopt a more active lifestyle as opposed to a sedentary one.

Research has revealed that more than 80 percent of young people fail to meet the minimum activity levels that are recommended for maintaining optimum health. One of the reasons behind this is work pressure. Half an hour of movement, however, can improve their heart health, mind and body in general. “Let’s Move” puts the spotlight on this issue.

International Olympic Day 2023: History

Olympic Day is celebrated on June 23 to mark the establishment of the IOC on June 23, 1894, at the Sorbonne, Paris. The committee was founded due to the efforts of Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a French historian and educator, who wanted to revive the ancient Olympic Games that were held in Olympia, Greece, dating back to 777c BCE.

The idea for observing Olympic Day was presented at the 41st Session of the IOC in Stockholm, in 1947, by Czech IOC member Doctor Gruss. His proposal was adopted the following year, during the 42nd IOC session in St Moritz, Switzerland. Since then, 206 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) under the IOC’s guidance arranges the annual events on the day.

International Olympic Day 2023: Significance

International Olympic Day is celebrated to inspire people from across the globe to get up, be active and move their bodies for the sake of their health. Healthy people usher personal and societal progress by keeping illness at bay.

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