Deadpool 3 Rumoured To Be In Production By Marvel Studios
Deadpool 3 Rumoured To Be In Production By Marvel Studios
A new production company filed under Disney has left fans wondering whether this could be the sign of green light on Deadpool 3.

Following the acquiring of Fox, there has been a lot of conversation and talk about the characters and their future with Marvel. While the characters are expected to undergo a reboot with new actors being cast for the roles, there has been one exception to that change.

Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool is expected to not be rebooted and the actor will continue to portray the character in the Marvel universe. There had been reports that Reynolds had visited the head executives at Marvel regarding the future of his character and that the next Deadpool film would be starting soon.

Now a certain business transaction has raised eyebrows among fans and led to speculation that work on Deadpool 3 might begin work sooner than expected. Revealed by HNEntertainment, Disney has filed a new corporation for an upcoming unnamed production. The name of the company was revealed to be Finger Guns Productions.

While there have not been any confirmations, the developments surrounding Deadpool 3 suggest that it could be the unnamed project. In October, the film's writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick revealed that following Reynolds' conversation with Marvel Studios, the two are only waiting for a confirmation from Reynolds to begin writing Deadpool 3.

Whether this is actually the case or not, only time will tell. For now, fans can only wait and hope that the character is set to appear on the big screen again soon.

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