The Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) will be holding board exams in a new format from the current academic year. As the in-person classes start after two years of school shutdown, the UP Board has announced its academic calendar. According to the board, the final exams for the upcoming year will be held in offline mode in March.
Before finals schools have been asked to hold pre-boards in January and half-yearly exams based on syllabus taught till September. As per the schedule, the pre-boards will be held from February 1 to 15 for class 10 and 12. For classes 9 and 11 the same will be conducted from February 16 to 28.
Based on the result of half-yearly and pre-board exams, the schools assess students performance and offer extra classes to ensure focused preparation for the final board exams, said the board.
UP Board Exams 2023 on New Patterm
The exam pattern this year, however, will be different. The question papers will be divided into two parts. The first part will have MCQs or multiple choice questions and the second part will have subjective questions. This is the first time the UP Board will include MCQs in exams. As many as 30 per cent of total questions will be MCQ-based in UP Board exams 2022. This, however, will be applicable for class 10 and not class 12 this year. To ensure practice for class 10 boards, class 9 students too will have exams on this pattern.
The academic schedule for year 2023 comes ahead of the UP Board 2022 results. While this year, the exams have already been held, the evaluation is still going on and results are likely to be announced by June.
For coming year, there are more changes to be introduced. In line with the NEP, schools have been asked to appoint career counsellors who can not only help children with academics but also help sustain a better mental and emotional wellbeing. For class 12 students, December will be dedicated to career counselling.
Push for Digital Learning
Schools have also been asked to strengthen digital education system. All schools have been asked to create website and ids. Via digital means, schools will offer free e-books and online study materials to students.
Schools have been asked to adopt a university-ready curriculum. Offer one lecture per week in library as mandatory for kids, two lectures a week dedicated to experiential learning, and constitute environmental clubs and ensure students’ participation in the same.
Further, Saturdays will be dedicated to different activities to ensure wholistic learning. First Saturday of every month will be dedicated to cultural activities, second Saturday to physical activities, third to literature activities and fourth to skill development vocational training, according to the schedule released.
Schools will also have to create health card for kids. They will offer time to ensure students get enough time for physical activities, and offer training to stay healthy health to kids.
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