Maharashtra’s Desi Ice Cream Finds Its Way To Lucknow’s Chatori Gali
Maharashtra’s Desi Ice Cream Finds Its Way To Lucknow’s Chatori Gali
This recipe was brought to Lucknow by Vishnu Kumar Nishad after he saw it being made in Maharashtra.

The City of Nawabs, Lucknow, is famous not only for its heritage and culture but also for its plethora of delectable food choices. Be it Tunday Kebab, Shami Kebab, Basket Chaat, Falooda, Galawati Kebab, Lucknowi Paan, Awadhi and Lucknowi Biryani and Sheer Korma, the taste is enough to make anyone fall in love with the variety of platter the city has to offer. People from across the country visit the city to taste these dishes. Currently, it seems like Lucknow’s Chatori Gali has developed a liking for the famous desi ice cream from Maharashtra, known as the Natural Fruit Ice Cream. It is natural, healthy, nutritious and comes in the form of ice cream.

This recipe was brought to Lucknow by Vishnu Kumar Nishad after he saw it being made in Maharashtra. He quickly learned how to make it and has now introduced this to the palate of Lucknow people. The ice cream is available in the price range of Rs 80 to Rs 100. Such is its craze that what started as one stall has led to three established shops in Lucknow which regularly attracts many customers.

What makes this ice cream so special is it is made of indigenous fruits and vegetables. Hence, it has been getting a lot of love and appreciation from food lovers. This way health enthusiasts can incorporate healthy and nutritious fruits in their diet in the form of ice cream.

To make this ice cream, a big drum is needed. It is filled with ice then. Later, colour is added to the drum and is closed with a lid using atta dough. There are handles inside which helps in rotating the ingredients inside the drum. After cleaning the drum, it is layered with different flavours. When these flavours turn hard after drying, with the help of a spoon it is scooped out in a bowl and served to the customers.

As per Vishnu Kumar Nishad, he serves 13 types of flavours at his shops which include chocolate, mixed fruits, mixed vegetables, mango, strawberry and many others.

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