Cold weather usually spells trouble for the skin. Problems like dryness, flaky and chapped skin, inflammation among others are quite common, resulting in loss of natural glow. Try these natural ingredients to maintain healthy and glowing skin even in winters.
Honey and lemon
The combination of honey and lemon will help you get brighter and softer skin. Honey is a natural moisturiser while lemon is full of vitamin C.
1.Mix 2 tsp of honey with 1 tsp lemon juice.
2. Apply all over your face, neck, elbows and knees.
3.Let dry and wash off with water.
Tomatoes contain lycopene which helps the skin absorb more oxygen and delays wrinkles.
1. Take raw tomato slices and rub gently on the skin.
2. Alternatively, you can make tomato pulp and apply on your face like a pack.
3. Let it stay for 20 minutes and wash.
High levels of antioxidants and anti-bacterial properties make turmeric good for the skin.
1. Make a paste using 1 tsp turmeric powder and 1tsp honey.
2. Apply this mask on the face and neck for 20-25 minutes before washing off.
Sandalwood powder
Sandalwood is cooling and therapeutic.
1. Mix pure sandalwood powder with rose water.
2. Apply it on the face.
3. Keep for 20 minutes before washing off.
Potato and cucumber juice
Cucumber and potatoes have natural bleaching ability.
1. Mix equal amounts of potato and cucumber juice.
2. Using a cotton pad, dab it all over the face.
3. Wait until dry and wipe with a damp cloth.
Say Hello, to a glowing winter face!
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