7 Things To Keep In Mind While Texting If You Are New Into A Relationship
7 Things To Keep In Mind While Texting If You Are New Into A Relationship
In digital communication, knowing each other before binding yourselves with commitments, has gone a step further.

The early stages of a romantic relationship are characterised by butterflies in the stomach and a mix of varied emotions. In the world of digital communication and multiple texting tools and apps at our fingertips, getting to know each other before binding yourselves with commitments, has gone a step further. Now, you can text each other and share your thoughts and emotions whenever you want and get to know where your compatibility stands. However, be wary of ruining it all through poor texting skills. Certain things you must keep in mind while texting anyone you want to be romantically involved with. We have you covered in this aspect.

Avoid too many messages

Spamming your prospective partner’s phone with messages will do you no good and instead will make you look like you are too desperate. Not only is that a turn-off, but people can even get creeped out by it and think of you as a creep. Text them, but do not overdo it.

Give ample response time

Remember that your prospective partner has a life just like you do and will not always be available for you all the time. They may answer late because they might be focused on some other important matter. Getting impatient about responses may irritate your prospective partner. Give them ample response time.

Correct use of emojis

Emojis are very expressive and can convey what you feel at the moment without the use of words. But you should know when to use what emoji. Casually sending emojis when you are in a serious conversation may make them feel you do not value the conversation.

Clear communication

You need to understand that you are not talking face to face and understand what kind of consequences the message you are sending will have. Your conversation should not lead to misunderstandings.

Value Boundaries

Your partner may have some boundaries about when to talk, how long to talk and what topics to talk about. You have to value that to not offend them.

Face To Face conversation

While texting allows you to share everything and anything seamlessly, more intimate matters may be better solved through a phone call or a video call.

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