World NGO Day 2021: Date, History and Significance of the International Day
World NGO Day 2021: Date, History and Significance of the International Day
World NGO Day was officially recognised by the Baltic Sea NGO Forum on April 17, 2010 and was adopted in the forum's Final Statement Resolution in 2012.

World NGO Day is marked on February 27 across the globe. The day, as the name suggests, is marked to make people aware of the importance of NGOs or Non-Governmental Organizations. Further, the day also celebrates the efforts of those social workers who have gone an extra mile to make the world a better place. World NGO Day was officially recognised by the Baltic Sea NGO Forum on April 17, 2010 and was adopted in the forum's Final Statement Resolution in 2012.

The daywhich was established by Marcis Liors Skadmanis, a UK-based social entrepreneur, is celebrated by a lot of European countries such as Poland, Russia, Norway, Sweden, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania,among others.

Non-Governmental Organisations’ importance and role ever since coronavirus pandemic has increased by manyfold. Quite a few NGOs also went on to the extent of providing free COVID-19 tests to less privileged people, while some of them helped in procuring medicines for those who were hit by the virus.

In an official statement of Josep Borrell, Vice-President of the European Union, he mentioned that in the post-coronavirus world, the Non-Governmental Organizations have played an essential part and they have, in fact, become the “lynchpin of ‘living together’." He also added that the NGOs will continue to put in all their efforts in the direction of making the world a better place by making sure that they protect the rights of everyone, everywhere.

Even before coronavirus had hit the world, NGOs had been actively conducting vaccination drives, and were also ensuring that basic medical facilities reach the most undeveloped areas. They can also be credited for taking basic school level education to the grass root level so that all children, irrespective of their financial condition, have access to it. Many organisations also work on the lines of human rights wherein they fight against people who oppress others on the basis of different factors like caste, class andreligion, among others.

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