When Someone Made Off With Venkaiah Naidu's Shoes and Left Him Barefoot
When Someone Made Off With Venkaiah Naidu's Shoes and Left Him Barefoot
Vice President Venkaiah Naidu found himself in a rather embarrassing spot when his footwear went missing from the residence of a BJP MP while he was attending a breakfast meeting.

Bengaluru: While shoes and slippers going missing from temples and fairs fails to surprise most Indians as it is a very common phenomenon across the country, it sure must have been quite a surprise and embarrassment for many when none other than the Vice President of India lost his shoes while visiting a BJP MP’s residence in Bengaluru.

Vice President Venkaiah Naidu found himself in a rather embarrassing spot when his footwear went missing from the residence of a BJP MP while he was attending a breakfast meeting with him and other BJP ministers.

The VP, who is in Bengaluru to attend a few official functions, spent nearly an hour and a half to meet his "well-wishers" who wanted to see him at the residence of Bengaluru (Central) MP, PC Mohan. Union minister Sadananda Gowda, Karnataka MLAs CT Ravi and Jagadish Shettar were also present at this meeting.

Coming out of the meeting, Naidu was shocked to see that his shoes were not to be found anywhere while the guards and staff did not leave a spot looking for it. Since there was a huge crowd who had come to meet Naidu, there are chances that the shoes could have been exchanged with someone else.

Naidu’s aides were soon rushed to a nearby showroom to pick up a new pair of shoes so that he could carry on with his day’s work and head to the Institute for Social and Economic Change, where he was a guest lecture for a Founders' Day event.

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