The State Agriculture Department has launched a Rs 4.25 cr scheme for promotion of value addition of fruits, vegetables and spices. The scheme will be implemented through the Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium(SFAC).
Projects with an expected outlay of Rs 5 lakh- 50 lakh can be included in the scheme. Only loan-linked projects will be given subsidies.
Beneficiaries can avail loans from nationalised/scheduled/private/rural banks and government-owned non-banking financial institutions for the project.
Subsidies upto 25 per cent of the project cost, subject to a maximum Rs 10 lakh, will be given to the beneficiaries.
Central subsidies can also be availed, but on a whole, the subsidy component should not exceed 50 per cent of the project cost. The land cost will not be included in the project total outlay.
Individual entrepreneurs, SHGs and similar groups are entitled for subsidies.
Those interested should apply in the prescribed format to the Managing Director, SFAC, Kerala, TC/1955 (4), Manjalikulam Road, Thampanoor, Thiruvananthapuram-695001. Details are available in the website www.sfackerala.org also.Contact telephone number is 0471-2322109.
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