TSPSC has issued a notification yesterday for Teacher Recruitment Test 2017 on its official website - tspsc.gov.in. As per the notification, the Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) aims to fill 8792 vacancies in the Telangana state’s School Education Department via TSPSC TRT 2017 for various posts viz school assistants, physical education teachers, language pandits and secondary grade teachers.
TSPSC TRT 2017 Online Registration Starts October 30th 2017
As per the notification, the application process for TSPSC Teachers Recruitment Test (TRT) will begin next week from October 30th 2017 and the last date to apply for the same is November 30th 2017.
Exam in February 2018
The TSPSC TRT 2017 exam is tentatively scheduled for the second week of February 2018. Candidates interested in applying for TSPSC Teacher Recruitment Test 2017 can apply online once the application proforma is made available next week on Monday, October 30th 2017.
Computer Based or Offline OMR?
As per the notification released by TSPSC, the Teacher Recruitment Test 2017 could be either a Computer Based Recruitment Test (CBRT) or Offline OMR based objective type exam. The commission may declare the same before the exam.
Documents Required:
Candidates must keep the following documents handy while applying for the TSPSC Teacher Recruitment Test 2017:
1. Aadhaar Number
2. Educational Qualification including roll numbers and year of passing of SSC, Intermediate, Degree, Post Graduation or higher academics of the candidate.
3. Community or Caste Certificate (if applicable) from Mee Seva or eSeva
Vacancies & Pay Scale
The number of vacancies and pay scale varies for different posts. Therefore, candidates must check the detailed notification for each post to know the relevant eligibility guidelines and other details.
1. School Assistant
Vacancies - 1941
Payscale - ₹28,940 - ₹78,910
Check detailed notification at:
2. Secondary Grade Teacher
Vacancies - 5415
Payscale - ₹21230 - ₹63,010
Check detailed notification at:
3. Language Pandit
Vacancies - 1011
Payscale - ₹21230 - ₹63,010
Check detailed notification at:
4. School Assistant (Physical Education)
Vacancies - 9
Payscale - ₹28,940 - ₹78,910
Check detailed notification at:
5. Physical Education Teacher
Vacancies - 416
Payscale - ₹21230 - ₹63,010
Check detailed notification at:
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