Thought provoking journey of wisdom
Thought provoking journey of wisdom

The book - Thoughts-Conventional Wisdom-Is it correct?, by an IT professional, Rahul Lal, chronicles the life of the author providing an intimate look at the trials and tensions of a job as well as some fond and not so fond memories of the author’s life.

This book is about relationship between people. The thoughts, emotions and private moments described in this book reflect a little more than the author’s own thought. Being someone who always get attracted to the possibility of self- improvement, you will be intrigued with the title of the book- ‘Thoughts-Conventional Wisdom-Is it correct?’

Whether you are looking for a lazy Sunday read or for a quick read while waiting to board a plane, this book surely makes a good companion to have. A companion, for it will speak to you, through its use of colloquial yet thoughtful words. It will make you laugh, it will make you shed a tear; it will amuse your neurons, it will make you vent any anger you may have towards the world. It’s like a well spread buffet - something for everyone’s pallet.

The book takes you through a journey of various life experiences, like how we shrink with age, how experience takes precedence over money, the corporate absurdism, etc. It also helps you explore the ‘acrid sweet smell’ of your life.

Is the book error free? No, you may occasionally stumble upon an error in the way a word is spelt or in the way it is laid out. Don’t be put off by it as this adds to the realism and rawness of the way the stories have been told in the book. It showcases how and what the author wanted to reciprocate through his words - simplicity and thoughtfulness. This is also brought out in the cover page of the book, which bears an image of simplicity and serenity - a combination to brew the perfect thoughts.

Rahul has tried to pack his book with lot of emotions and backgrounds of people with different stories, lives and attitudes. It is a practical and emotional illustration of dreams, hopes with shocking reality and tragedy of people’s lives.

The book is certainly a treat for the reader’s mind as every story has a stanza or two tucked beautifully in it, which will make you think and recollect situations similar to that of the author’s.

As Rahul puts it across-“The book comes from 2 streams of thoughts, firstly from the vast professional experience of 16 plus years and the second from the conviction of interacting with people and understanding the new and demanding challenges.”

Taking his first footsteps in a city that prides itself in being known as the Steel City of India, Jamshedpur, Rahul has trotted all across world out of zeal. However, Rahul’s most adventurous voyages have taken place in the realm of his mind which he penned  as he walked through different facets of life.

All of the 41 thoughts he encountered whilst at work in the hotel industry or in the silicon world or is an attempt to help endure the uncertainties of life and relentlessly preserve and share the values with the use of spoken language elegantly wrapped in this 200-plus page book.

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