Silent warriors got life back on track
Silent warriors got life back on track
On top of Bogies, on the ladders and working along the tracks railway men worked tirelessly through the night.

Mumbai: Mumbai's Lifeline the western suburban rail network has been brought back on track in less than twelve hours.

And making this possible were the tireless railway men, who toiled through the night to get the services back online.

On top of Bogies, on the ladders and working along the tracks railway men across the western suburban network worked tirelessly through the night against time.

They have been relentlessly working reconnecting overhead lines, checking the tracks and bringing power back to Mumbai's lifeline.

And as a result the stations were ready to begin their day’s work again.

Services partially resumed by 0100 hrs IST and slow trains across the network began on time at 0440 hrs IST.

Done that, there were bigger hurdles to overcome like the mangled wreckage of coaches strewn across the network. But by the crack of dawn there was an answer for that as well.

By 0630 hrs IST the last obstruction in the smooth flow of rail network, the wreckage of Tuesday evening's explosion had been pulled away.

It speaks volumes of the kind of resilience that has been shown by the city and by the Rail Network to restore normalcy.

The first fast train soon rolled into Bandra station driven by Raghunath.

When asked how long had be been awake, the engine driver says he worked all night.

And it's the efforts of all the railway men that had paid off.

Bandra station master D S Yadav says, "The whole system is now running."

As passengers climbed on and sped away to their destinations the ones they got to thank were the silent warriors - Mumbai's tireless railway men

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