Saffron brigade, cops play spoilsport on V-Day
Saffron brigade, cops play spoilsport on V-Day
A Haryana Police SI dragged a girl by her hair to the police station.

New Delhi: Valentine's Day has turned out to be very grim day for lovers in many parts of the country. There have been many instances of young couples being beaten up, humiliated and some of them have even been forcibly married off by the moral police.

In one of the most shocking incidents a Sub-Inspector of Haryana Police posted in Jind has been suspended after he allegedly beat up a couple and dragged the girl by her hair to the police station.

Sub Inspector Moola Ram dragged a young woman by her hair along with her boyfriend on to the street and took them to the police station only because both were found together in a friend's room whom they had gone to meet.

However, on reaching the police station, Ram could not figure out a relevant IPC section under which to book the couple, whom he had already abused and beaten up.

"SI Moola Ram has been suspended and a departmental enquiry will be conducted by the DSP. The enquiry is suo-moto and the complaint has been filed by the SHO. Abuse of power and misbehaviour with the woman are the charges. The couple is ok and has been sent home. The inspector has committed a grave mistake and will have to face the music. This is an isolated case where a police official was involved and for that he will have to face the music," Jind Superintendent of Police B Satheesh Balan said.

In many places in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra it was the saffron moral brigade that was on the rampage protesting against young couple celebrating Valentine's Day.

In Bhopal, police rounded up Bajrang Dal activists for causing trouble for couples celebrating Valentine's Day in the city. The saffron brigade was threatening to marry off lovers found in public places.

Thirty Shiv Sainiks were arrested in Gwalior, for creating a ruckus in a park with couples. The police were already at the park anticipating violence and the Shiv Sena men were arrested on charges of public nuisance and disturbing peace.

In another incident in Madhya Pradesh, some Bajrang Dal activists allegedly assaulted a brother and sister in Ujjain assuming them to be lovers.

The incident happened outside the Vikram University campus.

Reports say that the girl protested when the brother was beaten up. Police posted at the university campus rescued the brother-sister duo and brought the situation under control.


"My sister and I had come to the university for some work and left from the front gate. They (Bajrang Dal activists) saw me and slapped me a couple of times. They also harassed my sister. They hit me on the head with a stick and my bag," the brother said.

However, no FIR has been registered.

Ujjain Range Inspector General of Police Pavan Jain said, "They were siblings and the incident happened in university campus. They were there to get some work done and some people beat them up. The organisation not known but we have arrested two people on the basis of eye witness accounts. Another 10 people have been identified."

And the moral police haven't stopped there. In Pune, Shiv Sainiks have forcibly married off two couples.

The incident happened near the Khat Vasala Dam.

The couples were sitting in a park and were suddenly surrounded by a group of Shiv Sainiks.

They were promptly married off by the moral police. Reports say other couples in the park tried to escape but the Shiv Sainiks chased them and then forcibly married them off.

However, in Sangli the Shiv Sainiks protested against the Valentine's Day in an unique way.

Shiv Sainiks paraded donkeys with Valentine's Day cards on their backs and later set these cards on fire.

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