Dalit historian Kancha Ilaiah joined IBNLive readers for an interaction on whether the Quota Bill on promotions is necessary.
Q. Sir, government should publish the no of posts available in each grade, both at the centre and state. Fix quota for each of the affected groups in ratio of agreed percentage and let the people in the group compete for such positions. Asked by: S ESHWAR
A. Yes
Q. Sir, is there any study conducted by government or any agencies so far, to tell how the SC/ST, OBC, reservations have improved the plight of their communities. Has it not created a groups of haves and have nots in these categories, just like the way it is in other groups. Asked by: S ESHWAR
A. There are number of studies. If this reservation was not in place we would have had a bloody revolution long time back.
Q. Education, appointment, promotion, reservation at every stage - will this not make the category complacent and prevent their full capabilities to brought out? Asked by: sundar1950in
A. There are hardly any capabilities among this kind of people. They live off others labor. We must opt for a radical transformation.
Q. Where does the problem lie if even after years of reservation in education and employment, reservation is required for promotion? Asked by: Abin
A. In the very caste system and its practice in every institution.
Q. The Constitution authors rightly saw a necessity to give a preference to SC & ST persons for a limited period of time. Further extensions on time and applicable areas are a result of vote bank politics. You agree on this? Asked by: sundar1950in
A. It does not work that way. So language, caste exists in marriages, in markets, in education and so on reservation is bound to exist. You must cut at the root of the problem but not at the branch.
Q. Hello Kancha Iilaiah, I know you are the greatest supporter of reservations and I know the answer also what you will give, but please broaden your thinking and see every fellow being as you. If you need the upliftment of the people, we can do even based on economy. We should support people who are economically & Physically challenged. Please stop encouraging discrimination based on caste and religion. Asked by: Chenna Keshava
A. I did not create caste. It was Rigveda that created caste. So you must blame the Hindu religious system but not me.
Q. Once the quota bill is through for SC & ST it is for sure that within short period similar demand will be through for the OBC.The constitution authors envisaged a casteless society and today's politicians will take us to a highly Caste Conscious society.Is this desirable? Asked by: sundar1950in
A. The Constitution did not talk about abolition of caste. That is the main draw back. Ambedkar wanted a constitution that could abolish caste altogether. But that was not accepted by majority.
Q. Politically even the BJP the main opposition and a strong Critic of BSP seem to have accepted the quota bill for vote bank reasons.Why is the SP opposed to it? Asked by: sundar1950in
A. On this issue, the SP took the case to Supreme Court. They are the ones who annulled the GO of Maya's Govt.
Q. Once a person is eligible for promotion under quota, should his children and grandchildren get this benefit as there are poor persons in upper caste also ? Don't you think reservation must be based on economic condition - rich and poor. Asked by: Abin
A. As I said the reservations are not there to abolish class inequality. They are there for removal of caste inequality.
Q. Promotions in a govt organisation at lower levels are already having reservations and roster points are maintained. If the higher level promotion are also to have reservations there will be a lot of heartburn of generalist, seeing their juniors in higher positions than themselves,when they have been equally performing.Will this not affect the Morale of a larger section of good performers? Asked by: sundar1950in
A. Reservations have to work at all levels with the same principle. We cannot differentiate between one job and the other.
Q. Is the quota bill of that urgency compared to womens' reservation. Why is that bill not being supported and seen through by Ms Mayawati a champion of Dalits and women? Asked by: sundar1950in
A. Quota bill deals with basic life. Women's reservation bill is for power that can wait
Q. What is your take on Dharmapuri violence in Tamil Nadu where OBCs and dalits have clashed? You seem to be totally silent.. Asked by: arun..
A. Any such violence needs to be condemned. The OBCs and Dalit fight in villages because they still work on land. That competition on land has to be reduced.
Q. Don't you think this bill is just to play to the gallery for votes? When reservations were first introduced, it was for a temporary period of time where the backward classes and the downtrodden would be give additional benefits to come at par with the general public. What is the logic of promoting a person based on caste instead of merit to a higher position? If the logic is that even after securing a quota job, the person is not able to improve or come at par to the general section, then efforts should be made to help through trainings. But such gimmicks would only result in widespread unrest. Asked by: Karthik
A. The framers of the constitution thought that caste inequalities will be abolished with in ten years. But they are not. Now it is our view that reservation should in place as long as caste survives. the only why to remove reservation is to equalize school education in English medium. Once we do that after 25 years from that day we can remove reservations. Merit based on marks is myth. This country lives in myths and superstitions. We want a scientific basis for every thing. The education has to be reshaped on the dignity of labour lines. But many of you do not believe in dignity of labour. If you are asked to sweep the road for salary of 30,000 per month also you do not do. This is not merit. This casteism. We are for abolition of caste and indignity of labour.
Q. If quota is there for promotion then what is use of promotion? What will be the mental trauma to the more eligible candidate who would be left out. Asked by: prathap
A. You must first understand the mental trauma of Dalits and OBCs who were treated as untouchable and unworthy of education fro centuries. If in few generation those who not even contribute to the basic production get traumatised simply because you do not get a government job as and when you want a job. What about those who suffered for centuries without having any social, economic and cultural life at all. What you are suffering from is miseducation. Merit does not mean marks. Merit lies in productivity.
Q. Why is the entire cake of govt jobs not divided exactly in the ratio of all caste population and end the quota politics for ever? Asked by: srinivass
A. Issues keep coming up year after year because in the process of implementing reservations new problems keep coming up. Therefore they need to address them from time to time.
Q. How do you differentiate between people who are well off in the reserved category and people who are really deprived from everything? Don't u think people from even moderate financial background take advantage of quota? do you think only reserved people have no money and Brahmins have a lot? Asked by: pc
A. The reservation is meant for a specific purpose of removing caste inequalities accrued over a period of centuries. So you must look at the whole issue from the caste point of view. It is not at all related to the financial status of people. Even a very rich Dalit was not allowed to have education for several centuries. Therefore this is the reparation scheme.
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