Protect Small Businesses from 'Tremors', Niti Aayog Should Think Beyond 'Old Economic isms': RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat
Protect Small Businesses from 'Tremors', Niti Aayog Should Think Beyond 'Old Economic isms': RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat
“Our Niti Aayog and economic advisers of the states will have to come out of the same old economic ‘isms’, and will have to integrate the most up-to-date economic experiences with the ground reality of our nation,” Mohan Bhagwat said.

Nagpur: RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat has called for special protection of small and medium enterprises from the ‘tremors’ caused by economic ‘cleaning and reforms’. In a veiled reference to Narendra Modi government’s policy moves like demonetisation and goods and services tax (GST), Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Sarsanghchalak said, “While reforming and cleaning the economic systems, although some tremors and instability is expected, it should be kept in mind that these sectors (SMEs) should feel the minimum heat and ultimately they should get the maximum strength.”

In a sharp criticism of global economic policies, Bhagwat termed them ‘faulty, artificial’ and cause of erosion in ‘morality, environment and employment’. “Our Niti Aayog and economic advisers of the states will have to come out of the same old economic ‘isms’, and will have to integrate the most up-to-date economic experiences with the ground reality of our nation,” he said.

Pushing the Swadeshi agenda, RSS chief said, “This process will have to systematically consider the national ideals, traditions, needs and resources together. People will also have to relentlessly insist on buying the Swadeshi products while fulfilling their daily needs and doing other purchases.”

Bhagwat suggests that employment generation should replace GDP as key development indicator. “Despite being faulty, the parameter of Gross Domestic Product is still used to measure the health and progress of economy. Employment, that is work for every hand and enough remuneration for sustainable livelihood is a major consideration for us,” he said.

Terming SMEs employment generators which strengthen the roots of Indian family system, Bhagwat said, “They are also our security net during the ups and downs in the global trade and economic earthquakes... The level of corruption is also low here... Crores of people get jobs or employments through these sectors. Most of the people standing in the last line of the society are also from these sectors.”

During his annual Vijayadashami (Dussehra) speech, Bhagwat praised Modi government’s efforts to control corruption and ensure speedy development. “There is an enduring confidence in the sincerity of the government, decisive nature to make the necessary transformation, integrity and character of the people in important position and their diligence.”

But he also struck a note of caution. “Unless our economic thinking is not based on decentralising economic production, restraining consumption, increasing employability, conserving energy, securing environment and taking the individual on righteous path... the requirement of an integrated and holistic policy, which will take into consideration the diversity and various requirements of the nation; will address the needs of industry, trade, agriculture and environment together, will safeguard the interests of all from big, medium and small industries, to small retailers, farmers and landless labours, is very much felt,” he added.

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