'Permanent UNSC seat distant dream'
'Permanent UNSC seat distant dream'
Tharoor says India's aspirations to get a permanent membership of the UNSC will be a long drawn process.

New Delhi: India's aspirations to get a permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council will be a long drawn process as reforming the multi-lateral body was not an easy job, UN Under-Secretary General Shashi Tharoor said on Saturday.

"We have to know that this is not for tomorrow," he said in a Q & A session at the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit. Tharoor noted that Africa can play a key role in bringing about reforms in the world body.

"Bringing in reforms at the UN is a long process ... any changes need to have a backing of a two-thirds majority in the general assembly," he said adding that the reforms also need the nod of two thirds of the world's parliaments.

He said the move should be backed by the Parliaments of all the nations who supported it in the general assembly.

Giving full credit to South Korean Government for its efforts in the election of Ban ki Moon as the UN Secretary General, Tharoor, who was India's candidate for the top job at the UN, said "no one would be able to match what it had done."

"Let us give credit to the Korean Government ... they did a wonderful job," he said in a Q & A session at the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit.

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