Pak-origin drug smuggler arrested in UK
Pak-origin drug smuggler arrested in UK
Ali Amir Shah, 44, carried drugs in vegetables had been cut open and hollowed out to make space for the drugs.

London: A Pakistan-origin drug smuggler who imported heroin hidden in a consignment of vegetables has been jailed for 11 years in the UK.

Ali Amir Shah, 44, was sentenced to 11 years in prison by London's Kingston Crown Court after pleading guilty to conspiracy to import two kilos of heroin with a street value of around 80,000 pounds.

Shah was sentenced last week, but his conviction wasn't announced until Tuesday.

The drugs were discovered after UK Border Agency officers examined a shipment of mooli - a variety of East Asian radish - that had arrived from Heathrow Airport on a flight from Pakistan in February 2011.

Officers found the vegetables had been cut open and hollowed out to make space for the drugs which were then stuffed into the cavities before the mooli was glued back together.

This resulted in Middle Market Drugs Partnership launching a pro-active policing operation which identified Shah as being involved. Shah was responsible for collection and custody of the drugs within the UK, taking them to a secure location in order for them to be distributed within London.

Shah was arrested on Saturday February 19. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced at Kingston Crown Court on October 6.

Detective Inspector Steven Miles, from Middle Market Drugs Partnership, said, "This investigation led to the recovery of a significant quantity of harmful Class A drugs that were destined for the streets of London. The concealment of these drugs was unusual and had clearly been constructed with meticulous care. However, the vigilance of the UK Border Agency (UKBA) led to the discovery of the consignment which prompted our inquiries and ultimately this successful prosecution."

Assistant Director Pete Avery, from the UK Border Agency's Criminal and Financial Investigation directorate, said, "This was a sophisticated concealment and demonstrates the lengths that drug smugglers are prepared to go to get contraband into the UK. But that was matched by the vigilance, dedication and determination shown by our officers who uncovered this shipment.

"Working with law enforcement partners like the Metropolitan Police and SOCA we are determined to tackle the criminal gangs responsible for bringing class A drugs into the UK."

Middle Market Drugs Partnership is an equal partnership project between the Metropolitan Police Specialist Crime Directorate (SCD7) and Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA).

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