Norway: Some Previous Child Abuse Cases & Charges Against NRIs
Norway: Some Previous Child Abuse Cases & Charges Against NRIs
The Norwegian Child Welfare Act (NCWA) is applicable to all parents living in Norway with their children, regardless of their residential status, religion and nationality.

The Norwegian Child Welfare Act (NCWA) is applicable to all parents living in Norway with their children, regardless of their residential status, religion and nationality. Under NCW Act, physical punishment of a child is completely illegal and schools are required to report such incidents to the government.

In 2011, a three-year-old and a one-year-old were separated from their parents, Sagarika and Anurup Bhattacharya.


- No separate beds for the children in the parents' home.

- No table for diaper change.

- The mother had slapped the three-year-old son at one point.

- Insufficient room to play.

- Toys given were not suited to the age of the children.

- When the mother breast-fed the infant, she put her on her lap without holding her, holding the head against the breast, but not close to her body.

- Child was being fed by hand and this, they said, amounted to force-feeding.

- Borderline personality disorder in a parent

- Parent being seen to be slow in responding to a child’s cries

In Dec 2012, a court in Norway convicted an Indian couple Chandrasekhar and Anupama in a child abuse case.


- Parents were threatening the kid to send him back to India for wetting his pants.

- Child was hit by belt of similar object on several occasions.

- On one occasion, the parents had even threatened to brand their son’s tongue with a hot spoon.

In Dec 2016 a five-year-old child has been separated from his NRI parents by Norwegian authorities.


- Parents are accused by the Norwegian authorities of beating the child.

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