News Digest: Fake Sex Determination Racket, Quack Using Toy Piano, TV to Run 'Tests'
News Digest: Fake Sex Determination Racket, Quack Using Toy Piano, TV to Run 'Tests'
Comman used to perform the sex determination test using a television, a toy piano, CD player and microphone.

Here are some important reports from the biggest newspapers of India:

Fake sex determination racket busted: Quack using toy piano, TV to run 'tests' among 8 held

Gurgaon Police and health department officials busted a fake-sex determination racket in Rewari's Dhani Kholana village, and arrested the main accused and his associates. Among those arrested were a pregnant woman, her father and two relatives, who had travelled from Rajasthan to get the test done, said an officer.

Officials said when they raided the room, they found that Singh did not have an ultrasound machine and pretended to perform the test using a television, a toy piano, CD player, microphone and other equipment. The team also recovered medicines, including steroids. Read full article on The Indian Express.

Resettlement courses for retired personnel: MoD probes 'massive' bungling in training

A committee set up by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) is investigating around 250 firms that impart resettlement training to retired defence personnel after an internal finance unit alleged "massive financial irregularity" in the scheme costing around Rs 20 crore every year.

The committee, which was formed last month to investigate the allegation raised by the ministry's Integrated Finance division, found during site inspections that some institutes in New Delhi and Ghaziabad could not be located or did not have the required infrastructure or affiliations, as reported in The Indian Express.

After 23 years in jail, I am free but what you see now is a living corpse, says Nisar

He could not walk, he could not sleep. That's what 23 years in prison had done when they came to an end 17 days ago, in a Jaipur prison late in the evening. Nisar-ud-din Ahmad says when he stepped out, he saw his brother, two years older than him, Zaheer-ud-din Ahmad, waiting. "I felt a terrible heaviness in my legs. I froze. For a moment, I had forgotten I was free," said Nisar.

Nisar was among three men who walked out from Jaipur jail after the Supreme Court acquitted them of all charges, setting aside their life sentence and ordering their immediate release on May 11. They were booked for five blasts onboard trains — on the first anniversary of the Babri Masjid demolition — that killed two passengers and injured eight, as reported in The Indian Express.

Back from Everest, Kolkata's frostbitten survivor plans her next climb

Sudeb Hazra, 44, is waiting outside a north Kolkata nursing home. The visiting hours are over, he will head out to have lunch at a nearby eatery. For 12 hours, Sudeb has not budged from the reception area of the nursing home. Every half-hour, he approaches the reception, enquiring about his wife Sunita's health.

Sunita, 42, who was a part of the tragic Everest expedition of May 20, was flown into the city on Saturday evening. "She is out of danger but the doctors aren't sure when will she be discharged. The frost bite was particularly severe," says Sudeb, who runs a mountaineering equipment store in south Kolkata. Read full article in The Indian Express

Don't party and drink in public, Delhi cops tell African nationals

Delhi Police arrested five people on Sunday for allegedly attacking African nationals last week and advised the foreigners against late-night partying and drinking in public, saying such behaviour disturbs local residents.

None of the suspects were charged under racial abuse sections despite victims' claims of race-motivated violence and mounting outrage over the spate of recent attacks on Africans in the city, as reported in the Hindustan Times.

UP cops fail to break deadlock over 6 mangoes, 2 held

Two neighbours fought over six mangoes at Mungawar village under Rohania police station in Varanasi and were subsequently arrested. The incident took place on Friday.

Police said Ramji Yadav and Hakim Yadav jointly owned a mango tree from which Ramji Yadav’s kin plucked 24 mangoes on Friday evening. When the fruit was being distributed, Hakim claimed he was given only six mangoes. He insisted he should have got 12 mangoes.

The claim led to a dispute and Hakim informed the police control room about it. Sub-inspector Deendayal Pandey, in-charge Rajatalab police outpost, reached the spot. He tried to pacify the two. He advised Hakim to pluck six more mangoes from the tree and avoid a controversy. Later, the duo was arrested,as reported in Hindustan Times.

Back from the dead: Man resuscitated three minutes after his heart stops beating

A 41-year-old man, whose heart had stopped beating for three whole minutes, survived because of timely surgery and is recovering in a city hospital.

Pankaj Malhotra, 41, was brought to the emergency ward of BL Kapur Superspeciality hospital in the morning of April 29 by his friends. He had collapsed at work and had been rushed to the hospital, which was right across the street.

When Malhotra was hooked to an electrocardiogram monitor, the screen showed a flatline for about three minutes. However, the doctors managed to resuscitate him using a defibrillator, a machine that uses electrical current to shock the heart back in to rhythm, as reported in the Hindustan Times.

Staggering rise in number of people receiving VIP protection; goes up to 454

The number of VIPs protected by central security guards has risen significantly over the past few years — standing at a staggering 454 people in 2016, to be precise.

The list has made a quantum jump since 2012 when 332 people were under the protection of security agencies that report to the Union home ministry.

Any addition to the list increases the burden on taxpayers, who foot the bill for VIP protection, and strains the resources of security forces that are not raised or trained to guard VIPs — such as personnel from the National Security Guard (NSG): Read full article in the Hindustan Times.

Govt alerts Canada on Khalistan terror camp

Justin Trudeau government, which has a baptized Sikh as defence minister, saying that pro-Khalistan terrorists are running a camp near Mission city in British Columbia to carry out strikes in Punjab.

According to a report prepared by Punjab intelligence sleuths, Canadian Sikh Hardeep Nijjar has taken over as the operational head of Khalistan Terror Force (KTF) and formed a module comprising Sikh youths to carry out the attacks, as per a news report in The Times of India.

High on monsoon, Q4 numbers, Dalal Street could ride out Federal Reserve talk

The worst might be over for markets, say analysts. With the fourth quarter results being satisfactory to good, and a view that the probable US rate hike has been factored in almost entirely, analysts feel this week could be a promising one.

Global markets on Monday are expected to react to US Fed chief Janet Yellen's comment on interest rates. On Friday, Yellen said interest rate hike was probably appropriate in the coming months, provided economic data improved.

Analysts say there are increasing signs that there will be a rate hike by the Fed in the next round, as reported in The Economic Times.

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