Mobile phone connectivity a pain..........???
Mobile phone connectivity a pain..........???
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Mobile phones....a boon or a pain...?? Well a question that lingers all the the time...No's one of the greatest inventions....but do dropped calls...low connectivity (read No connectivity) and the pain of having to answer unsolicited marketing calls spoil all the fun and charm....??

Ofcourse....!! and what do you do about it...? Well the TRAI blames it on the Wireless Planning and Co-ordination Wing...who in turn throws it's hands in the air expressing it's helplesness in being able to do anything unless it gets back some more spectrum from the MoD or the other agencies....??

And then on the other hand the telecom operators who whine all day long about the civic hassles and the lack of support and permissions from the Government and other agencies in getting permissions to set up base stations.

And in all these...the sufferers...??? the users who have no where to go. A call to any of the telecom operators....?? Don't even bother...besides the "Sweet sounding" operator who has no additional information (other than that provided to her/him on the scree in-front).......there's little else you'd get from them...or perhaps a polite "Our engineers are looking into the matter sir/madam"............Plz....give me a break.....!!!

Wasn't this the same problem till a few months back with credit card holders who had no where to go with banks as well as recovery agents posing a perpetual problem to work with. A welcome change....the idea of introducing the Ombudsman facility (keeping my fingers crossed on the longevity of the idea and the success.....considering the huge involvement from the Banking sector in the setting-up process)....But to speak fairly.....atleast theres' something to look forward hope.....and maybe fall back on.....!!!

Could we see something like this in the telecom sector too......well atleast something besides the normal consumer redressal forums and the other non-functional units of customer redressals.......Hope the TRAI's listening.....or is someone else...??first published:December 27, 2005, 23:39 ISTlast updated:December 27, 2005, 23:39 IST
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Mobile phones....a boon or a pain...?? Well a question that lingers all the the time...No's one of the greatest inventions....but do dropped calls...low connectivity (read No connectivity) and the pain of having to answer unsolicited marketing calls spoil all the fun and charm....??

Ofcourse....!! and what do you do about it...? Well the TRAI blames it on the Wireless Planning and Co-ordination Wing...who in turn throws it's hands in the air expressing it's helplesness in being able to do anything unless it gets back some more spectrum from the MoD or the other agencies....??

And then on the other hand the telecom operators who whine all day long about the civic hassles and the lack of support and permissions from the Government and other agencies in getting permissions to set up base stations.

And in all these...the sufferers...??? the users who have no where to go. A call to any of the telecom operators....?? Don't even bother...besides the "Sweet sounding" operator who has no additional information (other than that provided to her/him on the scree in-front).......there's little else you'd get from them...or perhaps a polite "Our engineers are looking into the matter sir/madam"............Plz....give me a break.....!!!

Wasn't this the same problem till a few months back with credit card holders who had no where to go with banks as well as recovery agents posing a perpetual problem to work with. A welcome change....the idea of introducing the Ombudsman facility (keeping my fingers crossed on the longevity of the idea and the success.....considering the huge involvement from the Banking sector in the setting-up process)....But to speak fairly.....atleast theres' something to look forward hope.....and maybe fall back on.....!!!

Could we see something like this in the telecom sector too......well atleast something besides the normal consumer redressal forums and the other non-functional units of customer redressals.......Hope the TRAI's listening.....or is someone else...??

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