The biggest of the Kannada cinema history 'Kranti Veera Sangolli Rayanna' made at a cost of Rs 30 crore has collected the same amount in 22 days of screening all over Karnataka.
The fact remains that out of Rs 30 crore being collected, the net share for the producer is roughly around Rs 18 to 20 crore. Which means the film would do a good business in next 20 days and will add on to collection. The collections of challenging star Darshan previous best was 'Sarathi'.
Tight lipped team of 'Kranti Veera Sangolli Rayanna' is not ready to disclose the gross collection and at the beginning days of the film distributor HD Gangaraju disclosed that roughly Rs 2 crore is the share of the producer per day. According to one estimate the holidays of Diwali festival benefited the film.
It is a big relief for actor Darshan. Rs 30 crore investments believing on his star power has returned in 22 days from 'Kranti Veera Sangolli Rayanna', which means the career graph would be for the actor.
The history of Kannada cinema best is undoubtedly 'Kranti Veera Sangolli Rayanna' - the historical film has created history in the collection.
The release of 'Drama' of Yogaraj Bhat and 'Edegarike' of Adhitya would snatch the side theaters on Nove 23 from 'Kranti Veera Sangolli Rayanna'. These two films that has very good pulls of the audience would anyway affect the collections of 'KVSR', which will be known by Friday evening.
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