There has been, in the density of giant African snails in rural settlements around Kottayam has been spotted recently. According to Local 18 Kerala, the African snail, or giant snail, thrives in ponds, rice paddies, and even backyards. Accidentally touching a snail can lead to severe itching, and burning. Research has also shown that the African snail can cause Meningitis in humans, especially in children. Meningitis is an infection of the protective membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord (meninges). The tiny spores produced by this snail can also cause encephalitis, which can be life-threatening in humans. Encephalitis is inflammation of the active tissues of the brain caused by an infection or an autoimmune response.
Locals living in Kottayam have pointed out that the African snails have been found in the wells as well thus making the groundwater stagnant. This has caused a major concern among the natives, particularly the farmers. Growing in wet environments, these snails pose a major threat to crops and cause health ailments. These snails, breeding in large terrestrial land are native to East Africa. These snails multiply quickly and can destroy fields. Most of the disturbance is seen in the houses situated near the fields.
The outbreak of these snails has increased in Kerala. Due to this, the Forest Research Center at Peachey, an organization called TAIS at Kottayam, and the Department of Zoology at Cochin College are researching them. Until there are no solutions to stop their growth, there are some measures that can help prevent them. People should ensure that the fluid from the snail’s body should not stick to the human body. As per the veterinarian (animal doctors), the snails should not be touched under any circumstances without using gloves.
The animal doctors have advised that the vegetables should be cleaned thoroughly and used because snail droppings and liquid may stick to them. People should drink only boiled water. The only way to avoid the snail’s infection to some extent is by spraying a mixture of tobacco and thurish on the snails. You should do that the moment you see the growth of snails in the house.
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