Kashmiri Pandits reject Mush's formula
Kashmiri Pandits reject Mush's formula
Kashmiri Pandits rejected Pervez Musharraf's four-point formula on Kashmir and said the dialogue process was confusing.

New Delhi: President Pervez Musharraf's four-point formula on Kashmir hasn’t gone down well with the Kashmiri Pandits.

They rejected his formula and said on Monday the latest indications emanating from the ongoing Indo-Pak Composite Dialogue process were confusing.

News agency PTI quoted the resolution adopted after a day-long conference of the Kashmiri Samiti, the apex body of Kashmiri Pandits, as saying that it was not very clear what prompted Gen Musharraf to come out with this “out of box” formula but it was clear that the government of India was willing to discuss it.

They did delve into the pros and cons of the formula and pointed out that the Government of India was willing to “clutch any straw” that Pakistan offered without understanding how this formula would fit into the spectrum of Indian claims.

“There is a unanimous Parliament Resolution of 1994 describing Jammu and Kashmir as an integral part of India and asking Pakistan to withdraw from the territory under its control and then recently, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh declared that there is no question of change of borders,'' PTI quoted the Samiti’s Resolution.

How could the two countries then discuss reduction of armies, creating five zones having self-rule and an overall joint control on the entire territory, it said and feared that the government of India may accept the formula.

“The whole exercise leaves only the Kashmiri Pandits in the lurch. They are now in their 19th year of displacement and see little or no chance of their returning to their homes in the near future,” the Resolution added.

General Musharraf's recently-offered formula envisages a Kashmir with the same borders but allowing free movement of people in the region, self-governance or autonomy, but not independence, withdrawal of troops in a staggered manner and a joint supervision mechanism with representation of India, Pakistan and Kashmir, to be set up.

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