Inviting all ice-cream lovers
Inviting all ice-cream lovers
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM:  If you are an ice-cream buff, be there at Kanakakkunnu Palace on April 24. An ice-cream eating competiti..

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM:  If you are an ice-cream buff, be there at Kanakakkunnu Palace on April 24. An ice-cream eating competition is being organised in connection with a get-together of dairy farmers.The State Dairy Development Board, MILMA, Farm Information Bureau and various milk cooperative societies are jointly organising  the get-together of dairy farmers of the district. The event, which is to be held on April 24 and 25 at Kanakakkunnu, would be inaugurated by Chief Minister Oommen Chandy.Various competitions, including drawing, quiz, milk drinking and ice-cream eating competitions, and exhibition of dairy products will be inaugurated by K Muraleedharan MLA on April 24. District Panchayat president Remani P Nair will preside over the function and councillors S Padmakumari and Leelamma Issac will speak on the occasion.The proceedings of the second day will begin with a seminar on dairy development. Speaker G Karthikeyan will inaugurate the seminar. Dairy Development Board deputy director Issac K Thayyil, Agriculture College professor Dr Vijayan and Lead Bank manager Muraleedhar will present topics on various subjects.Dairy farmers’ get-together will be formally inaugurated by Chief Minister Oommen Chandy in the afternoon. Ministers K C Joseph,V S Sivakumar, Deputy Speaker N Sakthan, Shashi Tharoor MP, A Sampath MP and MLAs Palode Ravi, K Muraleedharan, Koliyacode Krishnan Nair, V Sivankutty, M A Vahid, Varkala Kahar, B Sathyan, V Sashi, Jameela Prakasam and A T George will take part in the function.

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