Hyd boy makes it to Guinness records
Hyd boy makes it to Guinness records
An 11-year-old boy from Hyderabad has made his way into the Guinness Book of World Records.

Hyderabad: At a time when most children his age are trying to cram their way through exams, a young boy from Hyderabad has made his way into the Guinness Book of World Records.

Nischal Narayanam can memorise and recall up to 225 random objects in the same order and has become the youngest in the world to hold such a record.

But it wasn't that easy, it took him two years of training to master this feat.

"It's important to concentrate. Sometimes, we can't get up for four-five hours or even to go to the toilet," he says.

This math wizard started showing his abilities at the age of nine. He would find solutions to complex arithmetic problems and correct errors in his father's financial statements.

But his number-crunching ability isn't the only quality that sets him apart from others his age. This 11-year-old also plays chess blindfolded with much ease.

But doesn't he feel pressurised to perform at times? "No, there's nothing like that. We aren't over-ambitious. Its tough, he needs time for school, extra-curricular activities. It’s not easy with such achievements. And of course, he has to play and enjoy his childhood," says Nischal's mother, Padmavathy.

The youngest to author a basic Maths book, Nischal has also developed his 'Math lab' to help make Maths simple.

So, what is it that keeps him going? "Almonds and milk is good! But one needs concentration also," exclaims Nischal.

(With inputs from Sreetama Ray)

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