On the occasion of the 27th National Eye Donation Fortnight (August 25 - September 8, 2012), the Ramayamma International Eye Bank of L V Prasad Eye Institute in collaboration with Bharat Heavy Electricals (BHEL) launched an initiative called “Vision to All - BHEL’s Call”. Through this initiative, they aim at creating more awareness and sensitize public on eye donation through corporate organizations, educational institutions and healthcare professionals.
This programme will spell out the myths and facts of eye donation; the prevailing demand for eye donations, and emphasize the significance of propagating the message on the “Gift of Sight”.
Dr Usha Gopinathan, president, Eye Bank Association of India and the technical and scientific director, Ramayamma International Eye Bank said, “As against the requirement of 100,000 corneas a year for transplantation, the collection is as less as 37,000 only thus the need far exceeding the availability of eye donations. Through this initiative, we hope to make the community participate in this joint effort of eliminating corneal blindness”.
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