What Does the King of Cups Tarot Card Mean?
What Does the King of Cups Tarot Card Mean?
The King of Cups is the patriarch of the cups suit—the suit associated with emotions, relationships, and interpersonal connections. When you draw this card in a reading, it can have a meaningful influence on your career, relationships, health—basically every and any aspect of your life! Want to learn more? Take a deep dive with us into the significance behind this mysterious tarot card, including its meaning when reversed.
Things You Should Know
  • The King of Cups represents wisdom, compassion, and confidence. If you draw this card, practice cultivating a tolerant but firm attitude, especially in times of crisis.
  • Reversed, this card suggests over-emotionality: remember that being emotionally mature means knowing when to listen to your head over your heart.
  • The King of Cups is usually depicted as a mature man sitting on a throne over a body of water. His composed but regal demeanor suggests he is a sage but capable ruler.

King of Cups Meaning

Upright The King of Cups is the King Solomon of the tarot: as father of the cups suit, the suit that deals with emotions, intuition, and relationships, the King is known for his kind, wise leadership. If you pull this card, it may be a sign you need to work on cultivating the compassionate but confident diplomacy that makes the King such a good ruler; in times of crisis, try to respond with wisdom and tolerance instead of force. Keywords: Wise, diplomatic, devoted, advisor, counselor, tolerance Element: Water Sun sign: Pisces Planet: Neptune Yes or no: In a yes-or-no reading, the King of Cups is a Yes.

Reversed Upside-down, the King of Cups may indicate you’re letting your emotions guide you too much. The King of Cups is renowned for his emotional maturity, but he knows when to listen to his head versus his heart. Practice pausing before acting to make sure you make wise choices. Keywords: anxious, cold, overwhelmed, overreacting, repressed, manipulative, selfish, withdrawn

King of Cups Meaning for Love Life

Upright If you draw this card in reference to your love life, breathe a sigh of relief: whether you’re in a relationship or you’re single, the King of Cups is a positive omen when it comes to love. Maybe you’re the King of Cups yourself—wise, emotionally mature, committed—or you’re dating (or will soon meet) someone who is. If you’re in a relationship: This card predicts love, joy, and commitment between you and your partner. All relationships are tough, but you and your partner are bound by love and shared values of compassion and loyalty. You know how to handle conflict maturely, and you’ll both be excellent parents, should you choose to have children. If you’re single: Love is in the air! Maybe you’re the King of Cups waiting patiently and confidently for just the right partner to waltz into your life—or you’re soon to meet your own loving and devoted King of Cups and live happily ever after together. Either way, you’re in good hands.

Reversed Upside-down, the King of Cups may indicate emotional upheaval that could affect your relationship. If you’re going through a difficult time right now, or you’re in a relationship with someone who is, emotions can understandably run high. It’s important to learn how to manage strong emotions so that they don’t get the better of you and negatively influence your love life. If you’re in a relationship: You and your partner may experience some conflict soon, if you haven’t already. Maybe a major life change causes unwanted stress, or perhaps a betrayal in the relationship has fractured your trust. You may feel pressure to stay close to your partner and resolve things, but taking some time to yourselves to breathe may help you figure out the best way forward. If you’re single: Be discerning about who you go out with, as this card predicts a dangerous partner—someone who knows how to manipulate emotions to get their way. Make the most of your solitude while you’ve got it: cultivate new hobbies, travel, enjoy peace. Appreciating aloneness will make you wiser in relationships.

King of Cups Meaning for Career

Upright You may find a career mentor soon—someone older, wiser, and more experienced who can offer you professional advice and support. This card may also suggest you’ll grow more confident in your position and perhaps even be a source of guidance and support for those around you. Tip: If you’re looking for a new career, a position as a carer or in the health sector is a natural match for the King of Cups. He knows how to tend to others with compassion and a firm but gentle hand: he makes a great doctor, teacher, or therapist.

Reversed You may soon struggle against an older tyrant in your workplace—someone who wields their experience and power like a weapon. Try to avoid this person as much as you can. If you can’t identify who this person is in your workplace, it’s possible it’s you: if you’ve chosen a career based on income, it may make you mercenary, ruthless, and unpleasant to be around. Tip: Examine your professional choices to ensure they align with your desires and values. The King of Cups excels in fields that allow him to serve others or exercise his creative abilities; if you’re not happy at work, consider changing positions.

King of Cups Meaning for Health

Upright The King of Cups invites healing and peace. If you have recently been ill, this card indicates a period of health and happiness is coming soon. Take heart, and practice being gentle with yourself at this time. Tip: You’re used to taking care of others, so it can be a challenge when you’re the one who needs looking after. Practice being patient. There’s a lot of wisdom to be gleaned in times of helplessness.

Reversed The King of Cups is prone to emotional overwhelm. It’s only human—but if you’re feeling stressed lately, be sure to implement healthy coping mechanisms. A Reversed King of Cups could indicate poor mental or physical health due to stress, or addiction as a means of coping with overwhelm. Tip: Nobody does life alone, not even the wise King of Cups. Be sure to rely on trusted friends and family in times of stress, and don’t be afraid to turn to therapy for guidance.

King of Cups Spiritual Meaning

Upright The King of Cups is a great card to pull regarding your spiritual life. The King of Cups is an effective ruler because he knows how to listen to his intuition. Drawing this card suggests you will soon ascend to impressive psychic heights, which will make you a wiser, more thoughtful leader. Tip: If you haven’t already, cultivate a daily spiritual practice to help you hone your psychic abilities. Just doing yoga or meditating for a few minutes a day can help to open your third eye a little more.

Reversed You may have a solid understanding of the metaphysical plane, but if you use your psychic abilities to manipulate others for personal gain, how much understanding do you have really? This card in reverse invites you to reflect on how you’re using your intuition: do you use it out of fear or a desire for control, or do you use it to better the world—and therefore yourself? Tip: This card could also indicate your psychic powers are simply blocked. Perhaps you’re not dedicating enough time to cultivate your psychic abilities—or you feel pressure to ascend to heights you’re simply not ready for. Remember that true growth comes slowly and can’t be forced. Go easy on yourself, and take it slow.

King of Cups Description

The King of Cups is depicted as a mature crowned man holding a cup. He is typically seated on a throne and may also be holding a scepter in his other hand. His body language and expression typically portray the relaxed, kind confidence for which he is known; anyone who looks upon him can identify him as a sage and gentle leader. Because the cups suit is associated with water, the card will often allude to this as well: the King’s throne may be seated beside a river or upon flowing water.

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