How to Train a Cat Not to Jump on Your Furniture
How to Train a Cat Not to Jump on Your Furniture
Does it ever annoy you that your cat jumps on the furniture? Is your cat destructive when she jumps, knocking things as she goes? While it might feel like your cat is jumping on your favorite armchair just to annoy you, she's probably doing it for the view. Instead of being annoyed, train your cat to stop this behavior by giving consistent directions and new stimulation.

Teaching Your Cat to Stop Jumping

Start training early. Train your cat immediately, whether you've brought home a new cat or just noticed your cat jumping on the furniture. Don't assume that the cat will simply stop jumping or will grow bored with it. Instead, show your displeasure and let your cat know that she's not allowed to jump on the furniture. Avoid punishing your cat since she will not understand why you're yelling, hitting, or spraying with water.

Say "no". When you see your cat jump on the furniture, look at her and say "no" in a firm voice. Do not yell at her, but let her know you're unhappy. Pick her up and remove her from the furniture while saying "no." Set her down in a spot she's allowed to be (like her cat bed, a cat tower, or some other comfy place that she enjoys). Don't punish your cat once you've removed her from the furniture. Let her go find somewhere else to explore.

Be consistent. If your cat returns to the furniture and jumps on it, say "no" again and remove her. You need to do this every time you see your cat jump up on the furniture. Over time, she'll associate jumping on the furniture with being removed from it. Your cat will be confused if you only remove her some of the times she jumps on the furniture. Send a consistent message that jumping on the furniture is not allowed.

Place double-sided tape on the furniture. Cats don't like the feeling of being stuck, so place double-sided tape along all parts of the furniture. Your cat will probably jump up, feel uncomfortable, and then jump off. You may want to leave the adhesive on for a day or two, so that she understands not to jump on the furniture. Some pet stores carry a double-sided adhesive that doesn't leave a residue when it's removed.

Block the furniture. This may be a hassle for you, but you may want to fill the furniture so that you cat can no longer jump on the furniture and rest comfortably. You might place books, large boxes, or just make it difficult for the cat to even get close to the furniture. It may take a few days for your cat to move on. Be aware that very determined cats might keep trying to jump on the furniture, regardless of the obstacles you throw in her way.

Redirecting Your Cat

Figure out why your cat is jumping. Know that your cat wants on the furniture for a reason. There may be a good view from the couch. Or, she may like cuddling on a big armchair. Your cat may be determined to keep jumping on the furniture and she might be doing it out of boredom. Remember that your cat isn't jumping on the furniture to bother you. Don't take the behavior personally, just work to prevent it.

Provide other things to jump on. Your cat might be jumping on the furniture to get a good view. Help her look outside by hanging a cat shelf. This shelf can be hung low enough for your cat to jump up on and get to a window. Or, place several cat shelves so she can jump around. You can also place a cat tower near a window. This way, she can climb up and still get a good view.

Clicker train your cat to jump on other things. Teach your cat to respond to commands by using a clicking device when they do what you want. For example, when your cat responds correctly to a command, click the device and give your cat a cuddle or treat. Do this a few times until she understands that the click is a reward. Once your cat understands the clicker, use it to encourage her when she jumps onto places she's allowed, like her bed, cat tower, or designated space.

Give your cat new toys. Your cat may be jumping up on the furniture because she's bored. Offer her new toys to help her use up energy. Get several toys that you can scatter along the floor. This might also redirect her interest back to the floor and away from the furniture. Some good toys might be: Corks Ping-pong balls Plastic balls with bells inside Sisal-wrapped tubes

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