How to Store Brownies
How to Store Brownies
Have you made a delicious batch of brownies? If they're not gobbled down all at once, you'll need to know how to store them to ensure that they stay as delicious as when first baked. Here's how.

Decide on how long you want to store the brownies. The storage methods vary depending on whether you're looking to store the brownies short term (1 week) or long term (2 weeks to 3 months).

For short term storage, find an airtight container that is large enough to fit the brownies in layers. Between each layer place wax paper or sheets of parchment/baking paper to keep the layers separated. Ensure that the lid fits tightly. The brownies should keep well for several days or as advised by the recipe.

If you want to keep the brownies for a lot longer, they will need to be frozen. To prepare them for freezing, do the following: Wrap each individual brownie in food plastic or cling film.Store Brownies Step 3Bullet1.jpg Place the wrapped brownies into a large freezer bag that seals shut.Store Brownies Step 3Bullet2.jpg Place in the freezer. The brownies will now be good to freeze for up to 3 months.Store Brownies Step 3Bullet3.jpg Thaw or microwave individual brownies at room temperature for eating.Store Brownies Step 3Bullet4.jpg

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