How to Soothe Sore Nipples
How to Soothe Sore Nipples
Sore nipples are a common problem for both women and men. The condition can have numerous causes, including friction from clothing, breastfeeding, and hormone changes. Nipple pain during pregnancy is also not unusual. Fortunately, there are a number of methods you can use to soothe and relieve your sore nipples, no matter what the cause.
Things You Should Know
  • Hold a warm, moist washcloth against your nipples to soothe them after breastfeeding.
  • Applying petroleum jelly or lanolin cream to your nipples after breastfeeding can also help with any discomfort.
  • If your nipples are sore from friction, hold an ice pack wrapped in a towel against them for 20 minutes at a time.

Soreness from Friction

Examine your nipples for signs of irritation. Friction from clothes rubbing against your skin is a common cause of nipple soreness. This is common among athletes, and the condition is often nicknamed "runner's nipple." If this is the case, you'll probably notice the following symptoms. General pain or tenderness. Redness. Dryness. Cracks or fissures. Bleeding.

Rinse the area with water and a mild soap. Like with any skin injury, an abrasion on your nipple can cause an infection. To prevent this, wash the area carefully with mild soap and warm water. Dry thoroughly after. When you dry your nipple, air drying is best. If necessary, pat it with a towel. Rubbing will increase the irritation and pain. Using an antiseptic like alcohol will probably make the inflammation worse.

Apply a lanolin cream to the affected area. Lanolin is a product designed to protect the skin. It moisturizes the area, soothes pain, and heals cracks and abrasions. Creams with lanolin should be available at pharmacies and supermarkets. Alternatively, you could also apply petroleum jelly to the area. This will lock in moisture and prevent the area from rubbing against your clothes.

Apply ice to help with pain. If you're in pain from the chafing, you can apply an ice pack to relieve the area. Whether you use a commercial cold pack or a bag of ice, be sure to wrap it in a towel. Ice applied directly to the skin can cause frostbite. Do not leave the ice on for longer than 20 minutes. This can damage the skin. If the area is still painful, allow the skin to warm up before reapplying the ice.

Take steps to avoid further chafing. Once you've treated your sore nipples, you can take steps to prevent future problems. Wear a loose-fitting shirt during athletic activities. Also wear a shirt made from synthetic material instead of cotton, since cotton can be abrasive. Moisture-wicking materials will also keep sweat away from the area and help prevent chafing. Women should make sure to wear a sports bra that fits properly. A loose-fitting bra will allow too much movement and cause the nipples to rub against the bra. Apply Vaseline or petroleum jelly to your nipples. This will help protect the area and prevent chafing. Cover your nipples with a specialized product like NipGuard. Alternatively you could use a band aid to cover your nipples, but removal may be painful, especially if you have hair on your chest.

Visit the doctor if the condition doesn't improve in a few days. With proper care, nipple abrasions should clear up in a few days. If the area doesn't heal, you should consult your doctor. There may be another condition causing the irritation, like eczema or psoriasis, or an infection with staph aureus.

Soreness from Breastfeeding

Apply a warm, moist compress to your nipples. The heat from the compress will help soothe sore nipples. Using this method right after feeding will not only soothe the pain, but will also clean the area. Do not substitute a warm compress with other heating methods like a hair dryer or heater. These home remedies have been debunked and are considered harmful. Sore nipples is the most common reason for discontinuation of breast feeding in women, so it's important to tend to your nipples to relieve the pain.

Rub a few drops of breast milk on your nipples. Natural nutrients in breast milk help soothe the soreness associated with breast feeding. It also has antibacterial properties, so this trick will help avoid infections as well. Allow your nipples to air dry after applying the milk to ensure that your skin absorbs as many nutrients as possible.

Apply lanolin cream to your nipples after feeding. To further protect the skin and prevent soreness in between feedings, you can apply lanolin cream to your nipples. This helps moisturize the skin and soothe the area. This product should be available in most drug stores and supermarkets. Alternatively, you could also apply petroleum jelly to the area. This will lock in moisture and prevent the area from rubbing against your clothes. Whether you use lanolin or petroleum jelly, keep it on until the next time you feed to keep your nipples protected. Then rinse it off with water right before feeding.

Put ice on your nipples before feeding. If your nipples are tender before a feeding session, you can apply an ice pack to dull the pain. Whether you use a commercial cold pack or a bag of ice, be sure to wrap it in a towel. Ice applied directly to the skin can cause frostbite. Do not leave the ice on for longer than 20 minutes. This can damage the skin.

Take an OTC pain reliever. If your nipples and breasts are very sore, a pain reliever will help. Be sure to use pain relievers in conjunction with other methods designed to help the nipples heal, otherwise you're just masking pain and not treating the problem. In this case, acetaminophen is the best option, though NSAID pain relievers will also be effective. Both are safe to use while breast feeding, but you should still confirm with your doctor before taking any medication.

Adjust your positioning. If you've been experiencing a lot of soreness from breastfeeding, adjusting your position may help. See this guide for details about different positions.

Consult your doctor if the pain doesn't go away. Persistent or unbearable pain isn't normal, and there may be another problem causing your pain. Visit your doctor for an examination to see if something else is causing your pain, or if you need to adjust your breastfeeding style. Cracked or chafed nipples may need antibiotic ointment treatment.

Soreness from Hormonal Changes

Consider your hormonal state when your nipples hurt. Hormonal changes in the body can cause the breasts and nipples to swell and feel sore. Usually imbalances in estrogen and progesterone are to blame for this. There are a few situations where these kinds of hormonal fluctuations are normal. During pregnancy, especially during the first trimester. Right before or during menstruation. When women begin entering menopause. Men can also experience this. It is usually because of an imbalance of estrogen and testosterone. While men don't experience menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause, it's still common for hormones to fluctuate. Sore nipples can be caused by obesity and peripheral conversion of estrogen in fat cells. this can lead to gynecomastia.

Apply a cold compress to your nipples. If your nipple pain is due to hormonal fluctuations, topical creams probably won't work. It is best to dull the pain with a cold compress. Remember to wrap any ice packs in a towel and apply them for no more than 20 minutes. If your nipples are still sore, you can reapply the compress after your skin has warmed up and all feeling has returned.

Take a pain reliever. To deal with the pain and tenderness in your nipples from hormone changes, take OTC pain relievers. This will help dull the pain and keep you comfortable. In this case, acetaminophen is the best option. NSAIDs reduce inflammation, which isn't causing your nipples to hurt in this case. NSAIDs will also be effective, however. Avoid aspirin if you are under 20 because of risk of Reye's Syndrome.

Choose a more supportive bra. If your nipples and breasts are sore, a more supportive bra can help alleviate the pain. This is especially important if you're pregnant to prevent stretching. You might also want to wear a sports bra while sleeping. If the breasts move at night, it could make the pain worse.

Visit your doctor if the pain persists. If your pain lasts longer than a few days to a week, it could be an indication that another problem is causing it. Visit the doctor for an examination to see if you're suffering from another underlying problem that's causing your nipples to hurt.

Ask your doctor about danazol. If your breast pain is persistent or unbearable, he or she may prescribe danazol. This drug has several uses, but can be used to treat swelling, pain, and tenderness in the breasts and nipples. However, it causes androgenic side effects that can limit its use. Ask your doctor if this drug would be helpful for you.

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