How to Recover Access to a Permanently Locked Snapchat
How to Recover Access to a Permanently Locked Snapchat
Are you trying to unlock a permanently locked Snapchat account? If your Snapchat account was permanently locked due to a Community Guidelines violation, you may be able to restore it by appealing Snapchat's decision. However, if you were banned for a different reason or you don't want to submit an appeal, there are a few workarounds you can try as well.
Things You Should Know
  • If you submit an appeal to unlock your account and it's denied, your account will be deleted.
  • One potential workaround is to log in to your Snapchat account on a different device.
  • Other users have had success logging into Snapchat's desktop site with their locked accounts.

Submit an Appeal

Submit an unlock appeal in the Snapchat app. If your account was locked due to a Community Guidelines violation, you can submit an appeal to have your account unlocked. To do this, attempt to log in to your Snapchat account on your mobile device and tap the Appeal Decision button on the screen that pops up. Snapchat will email you once a decision has been reached regarding your account lock. If your appeal is approved your account will be reinstated, but if it's denied your account will be deleted.

Log In on a Different Device

Try logging in on another device. While it doesn't always work, sometimes you can circumvent a permanent account lock by using Snapchat on another device. However, there are a few steps involved: Download Snapchat on a phone or tablet that you've never used Snapchat on before and create a new account. Use the account sparingly for a few days to a week. Don't add a lot of friends or post to your story often, as this usage can alert Snapchat's servers. After waiting for a few days, try logging in to your locked account.

Use Snapchat's Desktop Site

Log in to Snapchat's desktop site. Some users have found that they can still access their locked accounts via Snapchat's desktop site. While you can't send Snaps from your computer, you can use the app to chat, and it's a workaround while you wait for your account to potentially be reinstated. Simply go to and log in to your account. Make sure to not use your account too heavily, or you may attract the attention of Snapchat's ban detection.

Wait It Out

If nothing else works, you may have to wait. While it's not a guarantee, some users have found that waiting a few months to a year before trying to use your Snapchat account again can reverse the lock. Don't attempt to log into your account repeatedly while you wait, as this can potentially reinforce the ban. When attempting to log in again, use a different device and internet connection. If you opt to put in an appeal and your appeal is denied, your account will be deleted. If your account is deleted, waiting it out will not work as your account won't exist when you try to log in again. If you opt to wait it out, you should avoid submitting an appeal.

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