How to Prevent Sinkholes
How to Prevent Sinkholes
Depending on where you live, sinkholes can be a major issue affecting homes and public land. They can be caused by the natural wearing away of one of the underground rock layers, but sometimes aging utility pipes or broken septic tanks cause sinkholes. There are no foolproof ways to prevent sinkholes, but you can limit their threat by taking care of your home and land, and being aware of local concerns.

Keeping Your Home Safe

Hire a building inspector to look at your land and home. If you’re about to purchase or already own a house in an area that experiences many sinkholes, a building inspector will be able to survey your land and the ground beneath it. They can tell you about your risk for having a sinkhole and might recommend taking preventative action. The inspector will likely charge a small fee for doing the surveying, but it’s a worthwhile investment in the long run.

Replace old utility pipes. Call a contractor to have this work done professionally, as it requires the digging out and removal of all aging pipes. Then, the contractor will install new pipes attached to your home before replacing the soil. Your community may have funds available for replacing aging pipes, so you should contact your local government before deciding on a contractor. Contact your utility company before beginning construction, as they will be able to stop your service while work is being done.

Install support piers while constructing your home. If you live in an area where sinkholes are a known problem, such as Florida, the builder of your home will likely be familiar with this preventative process. The piers will help support your home in the case of a sinkhole because they are anchored into more stable rock formations deep below the soil.

Hire a specialist to perform chemical grouting on small sinkholes under your home. If a shallow sinkhole that is less than 15 feet (4.6 m) below the surface of the ground occurs beneath your home or on your property, you can use chemical grouting to address the problem early. Chemical grouting injects chemicals into the ground that fill cracks, secure loose soil, and repair the sinkhole. As soon as you notice some sinking on your land, you should contact a specialist in your area and get a price quote for this service.

Contact a contractor to perform compaction grouting on larger sinkholes. Compaction grouting is a method similar to chemical grouting, but for more severe and deeper sinkholes. This method injects a mixture of particles and chemicals into the ground to fill cracks, holes, and chemically seal the rock layer. It prevents any further degradation of the rocks that cause sinkholes. This service will be more expensive than just chemical grouting, but will make your home stable and prevent further sinkholes from forming over long periods of time.

Protecting Your Community

Report sinking roadways to the local police or Public Works department. If you notice a roadway is sinking or a piece of land has a large hole forming, call local law enforcement or your Public Works department. They will be able to dispatch someone to check the location and close off the area if necessary to keep people safe.

Ask for more investment in local infrastructure. Decisions about money for roadways, utility pipes, and drainage systems that contribute to sinkholes are normally made on a state level. Contact your representatives by calling them, emailing them, or visiting a town hall meeting to ask that they call for an investment in local infrastructure repairs. It’s likely that your representative knows that your area experiences sinkholes, but by bringing it to their attention, you can ensure that they know that their constituents care about this problem.

Request that local pipes and septic systems be inspected for signs of aging. Meet with members of your community to discuss concerns about aging pipes that cause sinkholes. If many of you are concerned, set up a meeting with your local public works department to have the situation addressed. In some cases, the state will have to pay for large-scale replacement. Many neighborhoods have homes that were built around the same time, and their utility pipes will be the same age. If your pipes need replaced, it is likely that the entire neighborhood will need new pipes to prevent sinkholes.

Use water sparingly if you live in an area with frequent droughts. Underground aquifers often help to prevent sinkholes because the water fills in cracks and holes that would normally cause settling. If the water isn’t present, the soil and rocks have more space to move and cause sinkholes. In your home, you can take short showers, use sprinkler systems only when necessary, and conserve water as much as possible.

Attend community meetings to discuss your concerns. If you live in a community with many old homes, it’s likely that the infrastructure such as utility pipes, septic tanks, and roadways are aging, which can cause sinkholes. If you start to notice small sinkholes more frequently, keep track of them and take your findings to the local government’s monthly meeting.

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