Invisible Numbers Trick
Get a calculator (electronic solar powered).
Type in some numbers and cover up the solar power thing with your thumb.
The numbers should disappear!
Lift your thumb and the numbers will come back again.
Words on a Calculator Trick
Did you know that you can make words on a calculator?
First, type in some numbers to make words.
Then tip your calculator upside down and it should look like a word!
Here are some numbers you can type in to make words 707 = LOL 0.0Z = ZOO 0.1134 = HELLO 3105 = SOLE 14 = HI
Rainbow Numbers Trick
Enter some random numbers on your calculator.
Press on the screen where the numbers are (not too hard).
The numbers should turn rainbow colored for 1 or 2 seconds.
1+1 Game
Have multiple people with a calculator or you may choose play by yourself.
Press key 1. Then, press the addition sign, which looks like this: +.
Press 1 again and then press the equal sign: =.
Keep pressing the equal sign.
Set a limit on the number you wish to stop to. Say you wish to play until 1,000. Everyone or yourself keeps pressing the equal key on the calculator until they or you have reached to 1,000. The one who gets to 1,000, or the number you decide, first wins the game!
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