How to Get Good Grades in Math
How to Get Good Grades in Math
Math can be a very difficult subject. Unlike English or history, a math test will require you to carefully work through every single aspect of a problem or equation. If you get any part of a problem or equation wrong, you may not get the right answer. Sometimes even if your answer is correct but your work was wrong, you may not get points. If you want to do well in math, you'll need to come prepared to every class, spend time studying and doing homework, and prepare for every quiz and exam.

Participating In Class

Attend every class and show up on time. One of the best ways to improve your chances of success is to show up for class on time every day. This will help ensure that you learn the material, turn in your assignments, and have the opportunity to ask your instructor about anything you're unclear on. Students who miss a lot of class are statistically less likely to perform well in that class. If you absolutely must miss class due to an emergency, make sure you borrow someone's notes and go over everything you missed. You can also ask the teacher what you missed the next day. If you're frequently absent or tardy, your teacher/instructor will notice. You might lose points or even fail the class if you receive too many missed classes or late entries. In addition, showing up to class on time every time shows your instructor that you're serious. If you're struggling and you come to class every day, your instructor may be more willing to help you work through whatever you're not understanding.

Take effective notes during class. Rather than trying to capture every word on paper, focus on the parts of the lecture that will help you the most when you're at home studying. You can't realistically notate every single thing that gets said during a math lecture. There's so much back-and-forth between the teacher and the students, and a lot of time is devoted to solving problems on the board. Read the material that will be covered before attending class. Take notes as you read, too. Focus your note-taking efforts on any material that you're not familiar with or that you find confusing. Ask questions if you're unclear about anything in the material or anything from the previous night's homework.

Write out sample problems your instructor does on the board. Any problems your instructor takes the time to write out on the board are probably very important. These problems are likely based on the ones you'll need to solve on the exam. Some problems solved in class may even be taken directly from the exam. Cover up the answer at home and rewrite the problem on a blank sheet of scrap paper. Try to solve the problem without checking the solution until you've answered it. If you're having a hard time with the sample problems from class, you'll probably struggle with the homework and tests. Talk to your instructor about what you're doing wrong, and bring your papers to show how you attempted to solve it at home so he or she can tell where you went wrong.

Make a list of things you'll need to memorize from the lecture. In addition to the problems your instructor puts on the board, you should pay close attention to anything that will need to get memorized. Most math problems require you to work through an equation, but some equations depend on your knowledge of various components. At the very least, you should be writing down and memorizing any of the following that your instructor discusses: Definitions Theorems Formulas Derivatives Any other information that you'll need to remember in order to solve a given equation

Talk to your instructor outside of class if you're struggling. The best way to avoid falling behind is to talk to your instructor as soon as you realize that you need help. Most math courses build progressively off of material that was established earlier in the course, so if you don't understand something this week, you probably won't understand much material in the coming weeks either. Ask your instructor if you can meet after class. If not, you may have to schedule office hours. You can also try emailing your instructor to let him/her know that you need some help and would like to set up a meeting. Keep your emails professional and polite and your professor will almost certainly make time for you. EXPERT TIP Joseph Meyer Joseph Meyer Math Teacher Joseph Meyer is a High School Math Teacher based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is an educator at City Charter High School, where he has been teaching for over 7 years. Joseph is also the founder of Sandbox Math, an online learning community dedicated to helping students succeed in Algebra. His site is set apart by its focus on fostering genuine comprehension through step-by-step understanding (instead of just getting the correct final answer), enabling learners to identify and overcome misunderstandings and confidently take on any test they face. He received his MA in Physics from Case Western Reserve University and his BA in Physics from Baldwin Wallace University. Joseph Meyer Joseph Meyer Math Teacher Review basic concepts before diving into advanced topics. Identifying the gaps in your knowledge helps you avoid difficulties later on. Take an assessment or get your teacher's advice on where you can improve. Practice targeted exercises to build a strong foundation so you can confidently tackle new lessons.

Developing Strong Study and Homework Habits

Devote plenty of time to studying and homework every day. You cannot study for math the day before an exam. You need time to understand the concepts learned in your math class and to learn how to solve the equations you'll need to do. Spend some time every day, or at least every class day, reviewing your notes, going over quizzes, and reading material from the textbook. Some experts recommend spending three hours studying for every one hour of class time. This is a very effective way to reinforce the material that you learned in class. If you study the day you had class, the information will be fresher in your mind. You'll also be able to stay on top of the work more easily. Remember that there is only so much your instructor can help you with. It is ultimately your responsibility to learn the material, test yourself, and ensure that you understand it.

Read your assigned textbook chapters more than once. Because math can be very complex, the textbooks you use in class tend to be very dense. It's often difficult to understand all the material after just one read through the chapter. Reread it as many times as necessary and test your knowledge by solving problems without looking at your notes or textbook. Go through the chapter summaries (if your textbook has them) at the end of each section. You should understand the material well enough that you could write a few sentences about each concept without checking your notes or the book. If you cannot do that yet, go back and review any material that you're still struggling with.

Do practice problems at home. Part of your regular study sessions at home should include doing practice problems. You may not have to turn them in, but practice problems can help you test your understanding of a concept or a formula before you discuss the homework and the assigned reading in class. If the practice problems are part of an assigned chapter, there's a chance that those problems could appear on a test or quiz. If nothing else, you'll get a chance to review the material you've learned as you complete the practice questions. EXPERT TIP Joseph Meyer Joseph Meyer Math Teacher Joseph Meyer is a High School Math Teacher based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is an educator at City Charter High School, where he has been teaching for over 7 years. Joseph is also the founder of Sandbox Math, an online learning community dedicated to helping students succeed in Algebra. His site is set apart by its focus on fostering genuine comprehension through step-by-step understanding (instead of just getting the correct final answer), enabling learners to identify and overcome misunderstandings and confidently take on any test they face. He received his MA in Physics from Case Western Reserve University and his BA in Physics from Baldwin Wallace University. Joseph Meyer Joseph Meyer Math Teacher When doing practice problems, promptly check to see if your answers are correct. Use worksheets that provide answer keys for instant feedback. Discuss answers with a classmate or find explanations online. Immediate feedback will help you correct your mistakes, avoid bad habits, and advance your learning more quickly.

Show your work on all assignments. Any time you turn in an assignment to your instructor, you should always show all of your work. It's not enough to get the answer right, and getting the right answer won't prove anything if your textbook has an answer key in the back. Showing your work lets your instructor know that you've spent time studying and doing the assignments, and that you either understand the concept or you don't. Never write out the answer without showing your work, unless you write a separate solution sheet and attach it to the paper that shows your work. Your instructor won't need to know every single addition and subtraction, for example. But you'll need to prove to your instructor that you can solve the equations and get the correct solution. When in doubt about how much of your work to show, imagine that you were writing out your work for another student in the class. Your professor obviously knows the material, but another student would need to see how some of the steps are done.

Try out advanced problems before class. A good way to prepare for the next day's class at home is by reading ahead and trying your hand at advanced problems. You may not get them right, and that's okay. You'll know what aspects of those equations you struggle with and can work on them accordingly. Read ahead if you know the next section your instructor will be covering. Try your hand at some problems from that section. Take notes on any part you find confusing/unclear. During your next class, you can ask your instructor about the problems that were confusing for you. You can also ask about any other part of the material that was unclear.

Review your homework and quizzes before exams. Any time you sit down to study for an upcoming quiz or exam, you should go over previous homework and quiz assignments as part of your study plan. Spend extra time working through problems you got wrong or only received partial credit on, and make sure you understand how to do them correctly this time around. The material covered on your homework and quizzes is likely based on the material that will be on the test. Make sure you understand how to solve the equations from your previous assignments forward and backward. This should be a large part of your exam preparation.

Form a study group with other students from class. Working with other students can help you motivate one another and bounce ideas off of each other. If there's some concept that you're struggling with, someone in your study group can probably help explain it to you, and vice versa. Keep your group small so that you can all stay focused. One to three other students is plenty. Make sure the students you choose for your study group are similarly dedicated to doing well in the class. Don't just choose your friends; go with students who can help you work through difficult equations.

Taking Math Tests

Give yourself time to study. Never try to cram for a test. It doesn't work with most subjects, and it definitely won't work for math. It's generally best to err on the side of caution and give yourself more time than you think you'll need. That way if you get through everything and have a few extra days, you can spend that time reviewing the harder material a little more. Start memorizing everything you'll need to know for the test (definitions, formulas, etc.) at least a few days, but ideally a week, before the actual test. You can use flash cards to memorize definitions, formulas, and theorems, then quiz yourself. Study in a place that is free of distractions. You'll need to be able to get through your work uninterrupted, so a library or coffee shop might be better than your dorm room or bedroom.

Study for exams more effectively. If you've been keeping on top of the assignments all semester, you probably won't need to review everything equally. Some material will come easier to you, while other concepts and equations may be very difficult. You can study more effectively by reviewing the material you're already comfortable with and then buckling down for an intense study session on the material that you're struggling with. Make two separate lists of hard problems and easy problems. The easy problems should be reviewed, but they won't require as much time as the hard problems. Take a practice test, if you have one. Set a timer for however long you'll have for the real test, and see if you can complete the test and do well on it within that timed period. Any problems you get wrong or that you don't finish before the time is up should be added to your list of hard problems.

Start your day out right. How you start out your day before taking an exam can have a big impact on how you feel. If you're tired, hungry, or anxious, you won't be able to focus on the problems as clearly as you would if you didn't have those distractions. Start your day out right, get to class early, and make sure you're prepared. Bring scrap paper, pencils/pens, and a calculator (if you're allowed to have one for the test). Make sure you get a good night's sleep the night before a test. You'll want to be well-rested and refreshed before the exam. Don't bother trying to review your material the morning of the test, as this will only stress you out more. Go into class knowing that you've spent many days preparing and you're ready to take the exam. Try to avoid caffeine and refined sugar before the test, if at all possible. Both can make you "crash," and caffeine can make you anxious. Eat a well-balanced breakfast the morning of the exam. Try going for a walk, run, or bike ride shortly before the exam, as this can help relieve stress and anxiety. Just make sure you'll have enough time to change and get to class.

Replace negative self-statements with positive ones. As you work through the exam, you may find yourself doubting your abilities. You may even find yourself worrying that you haven't prepared enough, or thinking that you should have done things differently. This type of thinking can seriously affect your ability to take the test, so try to be aware of what you're thinking and how you're feeling. Try to catch yourself when negative self-statements arise in your mind. Common negative self-statements include thoughts like, "I don't understand this" or "I wish I had spent more time studying." Instead, try to force yourself to think positive self-statements. Positive self-statements include thoughts like, "I am calm and confident. I know I can do this." Focus on taking the test in the here and now. Try to drown out any thoughts about what you could have done differently in the past or how things may or may not turn out in the future.

Use effective test-taking techniques. Just as you used techniques to study more effectively, you can also use techniques to take your test more effectively. Pace yourself, be aware of the time remaining, and don't sacrifice parts of the exam you might excel at for a question that you may never figure out in time. Prioritize the questions on your test. Make sure you get through the problems that are worth the most points first. If you're having a hard time with a problem, skip it and return to it later. Keep your eye on the clock and know how much time you have remaining. Write out some work on every problem, even if you can't solve for the solution. You may at least get partial credit for showing some of your work. If you have time remaining after you finish, review your work. Make sure all answers make sense and that you didn't leave any questions blank or incomplete before turning in your test. Leaving a question blank has a 0% chance of getting it right. However, if you provide an answer, you at least have a chance of getting the question right.

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