How to Fake a Sore Throat
How to Fake a Sore Throat
If you inform someone you have a sore throat, they are very likely to suggest you stay home and rest or maybe see a doctor. It could be a sign of a cold, strep throat, or an allergic reaction. Unless they know how to check your tonsils, it's almost impossible to tell that you are totally faking it.

Straining Your Throat

Breathe through your mouth. When you breathe through your mouth instead of through your nose, your throat will turn dry. A dry throat will become parched and sore, which in turn will make your voice sound scratchy. Ever noticed how your throat turns sore during a cold? That's because you breathe through your mouth when your nose is all clogged up!

Cut back on water. Limiting the amount of water you drink will help to dry out your throat, too. Aside from that, if you are 'suffering' from a sore throat it should appear that you are only taking small sips if you drink anything at all. Keep in mind that this is not something you should do throughout the whole day, and it works best when you breath through your mouth. For example, try going for 1 hour with just breathing through your mouth and without drinking any water.

Cough until it hurts a little. If you cough a few times, you will notice that your throat might start to feel a little scratchy from the strain. You don't want to overdo it and irritate your throat more than necessary. Just the sound of you coughing several times should be enough to convince the people that hear you that you might be getting sick. Close your eyes when you cough so it seems more painful and realistic.

Scream into a pillow. You can strain your voice a little if you push it to it's limits for a few minutes. Just be smart about it. If you start screaming when others are around to hear, they will likely suspect that is the source of your sore throat. Try singing forcefully. For best results, pick some loud music that has lots of screaming lyrics or notes that are outside your vocal range. Alternatively, you can try whispering instead. For some people, whispering strains their voices more than screaming does.

Faking Symptoms

Only talk when necessary. If your throat really hurts you, then you would not be talking unless you have to. Don't spoil the illusion by getting tricked into telling a story or explaining too much about how you feel. Give short responses. If a question requires a long response, start talking but stop and point to your throat indicating that you need to stop due to the soreness. Instead of answering, you can always nod or shake your head when possible. Keep your voice soft and quiet. Use your throat as little as possible when speaking. Go for a raspy whisper.

Suck on a lozenge. This is a common method many use to ease a sore throat, plus they don't taste bad either. Try to find lozenges that are red, this will make your throat seem more inflamed if anyone checks inside. Lozenges often come with a dosage warning, so be sure not to take too many. Read the label on the back of the package. Can't find a lozenge? Suck on a hard candy that has a similar shape and color—typically oval and amber.

Ask for ice cream. You can say you're really hungry, but it hurts too bad to swallow solid food. Request some ice cream to help your throat feel better. Even if it doesn't convince anyone you have a sore throat, you might get a tasty treat for trying. If you can't eat ice cream, try a sherbet or a popsicle instead.

Eat some very spicy food. Sure this might take a little courage, but take a few bites of something that is as hot as you can handle. It might sting your throat a bit, but it will also possibly give you a runny nose. When your parents see you sniffling and complaining that your throat hurts, they are likely to think you are coming down with a cold. If you eat something that gives you acid reflux, then you might actually come down with a slight sore throat as a secondary symptom.

Consider coming down with other symptoms. A sore throat alone will not likely get you out of whatever it is you're avoiding. You might need to figure out a way to fake another symptom. If you only complain about your throat, your parents may worry that you have strep throat and take you to the doctor.

Telling Someone Your Throat Hurts

Plan ahead. You can't suddenly come down with a horrible sore throat. Plant a seed the night before by going to bed a little early. Just let them know you're not feeling so great. When you wake up the next day with a sore throat, it won't seem like just a convenient excuse to get out of your plans. Illnesses don't happen randomly—they usually develop over a period of time. If you pretend to be sick all of a sudden, people might not believe you.

Know when to use a sore throat as an excuse. A sore throat is not usually a sign of severe sickness, and you can usually tough it out if you want to be somewhere. However, if you come down with a sore throat when you have choir practice or to clarinet lessons, it can be very difficult to perform such tasks. If you just want to get out of going to class or your uncle's house, you might want to catch something more severe. For example, if you will be in a situation where you'll be in contact with a lot of people, faking the flu might work better. If you'll be in a situation where you have to talk a lot, such as a class presentation, then faking a sore throat may help.

Make a good show of getting ready. You want to make it seem like you're willing to go, if it wasn't for this horrible affliction. Instead of whining and refusing to get out of bed, get up and get dressed. Don't forget to fake the symptoms as you get ready, however. Continue to cough and make your voice sound hoarse.

Use your most pained and miserable voice to speak. Only do this to ask your parent to make you some tea or if you have any medicine for a sore throat. If your parent sees how uncomfortable you are they will want you to do whatever it takes to get better. Talk in a whisper, and struggle with some words. Take a pause every now and then and swallow, as though to moisturize your throat. Think back to the last time you had a sore throat and how you sounded. Try to make your voice sound the same way.

Keep it going. If your parents make you go, keep the performance going anyway until the next day. The worst thing you can do is to blow your cover just because you didn't get out of it. If you do, your parents will always suspect you of faking an illness. If your parents say you can stay home, then congratulations. Unfortunately, if they are home, too, then you need to spend the rest of your day playing sick so they don't figure out you lied.

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