How to Email CBS Sports
How to Email CBS Sports
CBS Sports is a major national sports news outlet, with a weighted focus on football and other All-American activities. Due to the fact that CBS Sport is such a big company, it can sometimes feel daunting to know how to contact them the right way, especially if you aren't sure what department your query might apply to. Knowing what you want to talk to them about is a great tart; from there, the rest of the process is very simple.

Contacting CBS Sports

Consider the specific reasons why you're looking to contact CBS Sports. Before you even set to contacting CBS Sports, it's important to have a very clear and legitimate reason why you want to get a hold of them. Emails with a well and clearly stated intention or motivation are far more likely to get responses. Due to the fact that large corporations like CBS Sports are multi-divisional, having at least a broad idea of what you want to talk about is usually mandatory in order to select the proper communications channel.

Access the CBS Sports website and click the 'Contact Us' tab at the bottom of the home page. CBS Sports is a sprawling site, with a wide number of options to choose from. Luckily, their contact information can be found fairly easily at the bottom of the page. Scroll to the bottom of whatever CBS Sports webpage you are on. In smaller grey writing, you should see several options. Click on 'Contact Us', which will bring you to the contact list you're looking for.

Choose the applicable department. On CBS Sports' main website, the 'contact us' page links to three separate sets of contact info: All Access, College Sports, and Fantasy League. For the majority of consumer feedback, the All Access tab will be your bet. Click on the field that applies to you. This will bring you to a FAQ and contact page specific to your chosen field.

Select the 'Enter a Question' or 'Feedback' tabs. The next choice is meant to categorize user feedback as queries (emails with the expectation of a response) or simple feedback, which may or may not warrant a response depending on the content of the message. If you have a close idea what you want to say to CBS Sports, you should have no trouble in deciding whether it is better suited as a question or a statement of opinion. With that, you'll be ready to input your message.

Writing Your Email

Begin typing your email. Now that you've gotten past the legwork, it's time to get down to business and write your email. While the content itself could be anything depending on what spurned your interest in writing them, a few basic rules should be followed. First of all, no matter what your grievances may be, you should make an effort to write in as pleasant and civil a tone as possible.

Stick to proper letter form. Adhere to the basic standards of letter writing. This includes keeping your spelling and punctuation in good form. Poor writing won't get you taken seriously by the recipient of the email. Although you don't need to be worrying at all about perfection, write your email as if you were writing a professional correspondence to a co-worker. Don't forget to include your own contact info somewhere in the email, just to make sure they know who to write back to afterwards.

Get to the point quickly. A CBS representative on the receiving end of your missive is likely to be going through a number of requests on any given day, so it's important you get straight to the point of your inquiry. Do you have a question to ask? Get to the root of it on your first or second sentence. If you have an opinion or feedback regarding CBS Sports' programming, you can take a little longer to get to the meaning. Introducing your email varies depending on whether you're writing for a question or merely as feedback. With a question, you should introduce yourself and your relation to their programming (as a viewer, a prospective advertiser etc.) and dive straight into your query. With feedback, you may want to add a line or two specifying why your feedback is significant; for instance, you might state that you have been a dedicated viewer of their programming for a given number of years.

End your email with a thank-you. Don't forgive to demonstrate gratitude for the CBS Sports representative to have taken the time to consider your message. This is important even if your email was otherwise expressing concern or anger. Include a thank you alongside your name at the end in any case and show some warmth. They'll be that much more likely to respond favorably to your message if you're considerate. Whatever you do or say, keep a level head. You won't get anywhere making enemies of someone trying to do his job.

Await a response. Once you have sent the email, it's time to play the waiting game. Depending on the traffic of the site, a response could take anywhere from a few hours to several days. CBS Sports is dedicated to responding to as many of their questions as possible, but be prepared to wait a wile for a proper answer. Again, it all depends on the site traffic, as well as the department you sent your message to. If for whatever reason you don't get a response back in time, you might try rewriting it and sending again. Chances are it may have been overlooked or deemed unsuited to a response by one person. The second time you send a message, it may be read (and properly responded to) by someone else.

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