Organize your closet.
Sort through your wardrobe to see what your options are. Fold your clothes neatly, hang up your dresses and jeans, and sort shirts and shorts into drawers or baskets. Make sure to identify your ideal style and color palette before investing in your wardrobe. Fill it with pieces that fit your body type and make you feel more confident. Understanding your body type and the types of fabrics that work best for it is also essential.
Find out where you are going.
Your destination will set the overall vibe you should aim for. You don't want to go to the grocery store in your favorite Sunday clothes, and you probably wouldn't like to go to a fancy restaurant in your PJ's.
Pick an outfit.
Start with your top and then find a bottom to match. First, choose a shirt or blouse. Then find a skirt or pants to go with it. Picking the top first helps you picture the entire outfit better.
The little details can really make an outfit pop. Jewelry is very important to the entire appearance, since it ties the whole outfit together and adds a focal point. Also, you should make sure that if you are going to carry a handbag or purse, be sure that it does not contrast too much. With shoes, be sure that they are comfortable and will not attract too much attention.
Apply makeup.
Do this right before you leave to avoid smudging anything. Don't put on too much- you shouldn't want to appear fake. You don't want it to look like you have makeup on. Less is best sometimes especially when you are older and start to have some wrinkles.
Greet the world with a smile.
Your overall energy goes a long way to making your vibe work. A person is only as good as her personality, and you don't want people to think that you are sour or unkind.
Defer to the experts for age-appropriate outfits.
Check out some style websites for teens, tweens, or kids. Copy it or as close as you can. Like what you wear, be comfortable in your clothes, but make sure the clothing you want to wear is appropriate for your age. Look for clothes that feel authentic to yourself and are not only "trendy". Also, be mindful of the hemlines so you can feel comfortable without showing more skin than you want to.
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