How to Cure Hyperacidity Naturally
How to Cure Hyperacidity Naturally
Hyperacidity occurs when your stomach produces too much acid that may leak out. It’s the cause of conditions like heartburn, GERD (GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease), and acid reflux disease. This can be an uncomfortable experience, so you likely want relief fast. Fortunately, you can use natural treatments to help control your symptoms. However, it’s best to see your doctor if your symptoms are severe or occur more than twice a week. Additionally, always talk to your doctor before using herbal treatments, especially if you’re pregnant or nursing.

Effective Treatments

Avoid foods and drinks that trigger your symptoms. You may want to keep track of foods and beverages that cause you any problems. Write down the foods you eat and see how you feel about 1 hour of eating. If the food you ate an hour ago is bothering you, you should eliminate that from your diet. Commonly reported hyperacidity triggers include: Citrus fruit Caffeinated beverages Chocolate Tomatoes Garlic, onions Alcohol Note: Most of these foods have not been studied enough to make a definitive claim. It's more important to find out what triggers your symptoms than to avoid this exact list.

Raise the head of your bed if symptoms interfere with sleep. If your bed allows for it, raise the head of it by 6 to 8 inches. Gravity will keep the acid in your stomach. Don't just pile up pillows, though. These tend to bend your neck and body in such a way that increases the pressure. It will make the hyperacidity worse.

Ask your doctor if you could benefit from losing weight. If you’re carrying extra weight, losing weight may reduce some of the pressure on your lower esophageal sphincter, keeping stomach acid from leaking through. However, you may not need to lose weight, so check with your doctor before attempting to do so. Then, eat a healthy diet based on fresh produce and lean protein and exercise for 30 minutes per day.

Eat smaller meals so you don’t get too full. Decrease the amount of food you eat at any one time. This may reduce the amount of stress and pressure on your stomach. Switching to smaller plates and bowls may help because it tricks your mind into thinking you’re eating more food than you really are.

Eat slowly to improve your digestion. Chew each bite several times, then swallow before taking another bite. This helps your stomach digest food more easily and quickly, leaving less food in the stomach adding pressure on the LES. You can also slow yourself down by putting your fork down between bites.

Check that your stomach isn’t under undue pressure. Pressure will increase the discomfort of hyperacidity. You can experience excess pressure because of hiatal hernias (when the upper part of the stomach moves above the diaphragm), pregnancy, constipation, or being overweight. Don't wear clothes that constrict your stomach or abdomen.

Possibly Effective Treatments

Eat an apple to settle your stomach. Many people with hyperacidity settle their stomach by eating an apple. Apples are generally safe for this condition, so why not give the wisdom of the crowd a go? Just remember this is anecdotal evidence, and claims about apples having antacid properties are completely false.

Drink ginger tea to calm your stomach. While there's no solid evidence behind its use as a hyperacidity treatment, ginger does seem to soothe the stomach. Either get ginger tea bags or better yet, cut up about 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger, add boiling water, steep for about 5 minutes and drink. Do this anytime during the day, but especially about 20-30 minutes before meals. Ginger can also help with nausea and vomiting. Ginger tea is considered safe for pregnant people.

Avoid eating at night so food doesn’t cause pressure in your stomach. Although not definite, many specialists believe that late night eating can make symptoms worse. Don't eat for 2-3 hours before bedtime to reduce the risk of food putting pressure on your lower esophageal sphincter (LES) as you sleep.

Avoid stress so you feel better in general. Based on early research, stress makes reflux symptoms feel subjectively worse but does not affect the objective condition. For your own comfort, identify situations that you find stressful and exhausting. Find ways to avoid those situations or prepare for them with various relaxing techniques. Start incorporating meditation, yoga, or just regular naps into your daily routine. You could also try deep breathing, acupuncture, getting a massage, taking a warm bath, or even saying a series of simple, affirmative statements in front of the mirror.

Try herbal treatments if you have related bowel conditions. None of these are proven treatments. However, if your hyperacidity symptoms are related to ulcerative colitis or bowel inflammation, there's a little evidence that these could help. Do not rely on these as your main treatment. Drink 1/2 cup of aloe vera juice. You can drink this throughout the day, but don't drink more than 1 to 2 cups a day. Aloe vera can act as a laxative. Drink fennel tea. Crush about a teaspoon of fennel seeds and add a cup of boiled water. Add honey to taste and drink 2-3 cups a day about 20 minutes before meals. Fennel helps settle the stomach and decreases the acid levels. Take slippery elm. Slippery elm can be taken as a drink or as a tablet. As a liquid, you'll want to drink about 3 to 4 ounces. As a tablet, follow the manufacturer's instructions. Slippery elm is known to soothe and coat irritated tissues. Take DGL tablets. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice root (DGL) comes in chewable tablets. The taste might take some getting use to. But, it may help the stomach and control hyperacidity. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for dosage. You'll usually take 2 to 3 tablets every 4-6 hours.

Take a probiotic supplement to support a healthy gut. Probiotics are mixtures of "good" bacteria normally found in your gut. They may include a yeast, Saccharomyces boulardii or cultures of lactobacillus and/or bifidobacterium, all naturally found in your intestines. While studies so far show generally improved bowel health, it's not yet possible to make specific claims. For the simplest way to get your probiotics, eat yogurt with "active cultures". Talk to your doctor before taking any supplements.


Recognize that smoking does not worsen symptoms. Tobacco was once thought to make acid reflux symptoms worse. However, three studies so far have shown no improvement after patients quit smoking.

Don't rely on mustard. There is no evidence that mustard helps with this problem.

Never take baking soda for heartburn. Doctors do not recommend this treatment.

Use caution with heel drop exercises. The "heel drop" treatment is a chiropractic technique not based on scientific evidence, though there is some anecdotal evidence that it can help. Discuss all exercises with your physician first.

When to Seek Medical Care

See your doctor if your symptoms occur more than twice a week or are severe. It’s normal to experience hyperacidity occasionally. However, persistent or severe symptoms may require medical treatment. Talk to your doctor to make sure what you’re experiencing is hyperacidity and to learn about your treatment options. Symptoms you might experience include: Heartburn A sour taste in your mouth Bloating Dark or black stools Burping or hiccups that won’t stop Nausea Dry cough Dysphagia (a narrowed esophagus that feels as if there is food stuck in your throat)

Get immediate care for chest pain with shortness of breath and jaw pain. While it may be heartburn, chest pain could be a symptom of a heart attack. Try not to worry because you’re probably okay. However, it’s best to see a doctor immediately to get your heart checked. You may also feel pain in your left arm when you’re having a heart attack. Chest pain and shortness of breath are always considered emergency symptoms.

Discuss your symptoms and possibly get diagnostic tests. Tell your doctor about your medical history, when you hyperacidity symptoms started, and what natural treatments you’ve tried. While they may make a diagnosis based solely on your symptoms, they might prefer to do some diagnostic tests first. They may do 1 or more of the following tests: An upper endoscopy, which sends a camera down your throat to inspect your esophagus and stomach and potentially take a small biopsy. This test is usually painless but you may feel discomfort. An ambulatory acid (pH) probe test, which places a narrow tube down your esophagus to measure acid regurgitation over a 48-hour period. It’s not painful but it may be uncomfortable. An esophageal manometry, which measures the muscle contractions in your throat when you swallow. An X-ray to show your digestive tract. Your doctor will first have you swallow a chalky liquid so your digestive tract is visible on the X-ray.

Take over-the-counter antacids for quick, short-term relief. Antacids usually give short-term relief by neutralizing acid. However, they won’t heal your esophageal lining if it’s been damaged by acid. Additionally, they’re not for long-term use. Follow the dosing instructions on the label to take your antacids, as needed. Popular antacids include Tums, Rolaid, and Mylanta. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions exactly because taking too many can cause side effects, like diarrhea. Similarly, don’t take antacids for longer than 2 weeks unless your doctor tells you to so. Taking them long-term can cause a mineral imbalance that may result in kidney damage.

Use H2 blockers to reduce stomach acid production. You can buy these over-the-counter or get a stronger version by prescription. They can reduce your stomach’s acid production for up to 12 hours to help you find relief. Ask your doctor which H2 blocker is right for you, then follow the dosing instructions provided on the product label or your prescription. Typically, take them before your first meal of the day. Popular H2 blockers include cimetidine (Tagamet), famotidine (Pepcid) and ranitidine (Zantac). Although they take longer to work than antacids, H2 blockers provide better relief. Take your H2 blockers exactly as directed. Taking too much can cause side effects, such as headache, diarrhea, dizziness, or rash

Try Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) to help heal your esophagus. PPIs reduce your stomach’s acid production and help heal your esophagus. You can find these over-the-counter, but your doctor can also prescribe a stronger version. Take your medication as directed on the product label or your prescription. You’ll likely take a pill every morning before your first meal. Examples of PPIs include esomeprazole (Nexium), lansoprazole (Prevacid), omeprazole (Prilosec), pantoprazole (Protonix), rabeprazole (Aciphex), dexlansoprazole (Dexilant) and omeprazole/ sodium bicarbonate (Zegerid). In rare cases, you may experience side effects, such as headache, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, rash, or nausea.

Ask about a medicine to strengthen your lower esophageal sphincter. Your hyperacidity may happen because your lower esophageal sphincter is allowing acid to come up out of your stomach. A medication called Baclofen can tighten this muscle to help keep it closed. This may reduce your hyperacidity. Take your medication exactly as directed. Your doctor can help you decide if this medicine is right for you. In rare cases, Baclofen can cause side effects, such as nausea or fatigue.

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