How to Contact the Daily Show
How to Contact the Daily Show
The Daily Show, currently hosted by Trevor Noah, is one of the most popular shows on late-night TV. You might enjoy the comedy and political commentary that Trevor and his team provide so much that you want to contact the show to let them know. Luckily, there are several ways you could get your message through. By writing to the show's press team, contacting Trevor's managers, and interacting with all of them on social media, you just might get noticed by a show representative.

Contacting the Show Directly

Email the show's communications directors with press inquiries. Comedy Central has a communications team that works on The Daily Show and handles all press contacts. Their contact information is all public. Write to one of the members of the communications team and they may respond to your inquiry. Comedy Central lists the press contacts for The Daily Show on the program's home page. To find the current press team members, visit You have a better chance of getting a response if you represent the media in some way. Even if it’s only a local news station, the communications team spends most of their time speaking with media representatives.

Call or write to Comedy Central’s press office in New York City. Since The Daily Show is filmed in New York, the New York office is where most of the representatives work. You can either call the office or write them a letter. The phone number is (212) 767-8600. The mailing address is 345 Hudson StreetNew York, NY 10014 Address the letter to The Daily Show or a specific person who works on the show to make sure the letter reaches the right office. If you’d like to cover all your bases, you could also contact the office in California. The number for that office is (310) 752-8000.

Tweet at The Daily Show on Twitter for a chance to get retweeted. Like many popular shows, The Daily Show has a strong presence on social media. The Twitter page currently has 8.3 million followers. Try following and tweeting at the show to try and get an employee’s attention. The Twitter handle is @TheDailyShow. Tweets are usually handled by lower-level employees, but if you interact with the page often enough, these employees may bring it to the attention of their bosses.

Leave comments on The Daily Show Facebook page to get noticed. The show also has a Facebook fan page. By sharing and commenting on their posts, you might also get someone’s attention at the network. Connect with the show by visiting Make sure your comments aren’t negative or spammy. Keep your statements positive so the show doesn’t block you.

Follow the show on Instagram to get an employee's attention. The show also has a strong presence on Instagram. Follow, like, and comment on their posts often and you might get an employee’s attention.

Enter contests to win an interview on the show. Comedy Central occasionally runs contests where fans can win an interview with Trevor Noah live on The Daily Show. Trevor Noah recently had one of these contests for people who donated to his foundation. Keep an eye out for these contests and enter them for a chance to be on the show. Follow all of The Daily Show’s social media for announcements on contests. Also follow Trevor Noah. Only apply for contests that are advertised directly on Comedy Central pages. Websites that aren’t connected to Comedy Central could be running scams.

Getting Trevor Noah’s Attention

Write to Trevor Noah’s management team to get a message to him. Trevor makes his management contact information public on his website. Try writing to his manager, agent, or press liaison. If you successfully get in contact with one of them, you could get a message to him. To find Trevor's current management team, visit his website at Scroll to the bottom of the page for contact details. If you do write one of these people, make sure you have an actual inquiry. They probably won’t respond to basic fan mail.

Tweet at Trevor directly on Twitter to try and get his attention. Trevor’s personal Twitter page currently has even more followers than The Daily Show. Try following and interacting with his posts to try and get his attention. He may share or answer your posts, especially if you compliment his work. His Twitter handle is @Trevornoah. Like a lot of celebrities, Trevor has messaging disabled on his page, so you can’t send him a direct message unless he messages you first. Remember that an employee might handle Trevor’s social media presence, so he might not see your tweets directly.

Follow Trevor on Instagram to see if he notices you. Trevor is also active on Instagram, so you may get his attention by interacting with him on that platform. Follow and comment on his posts and you might get a response. Find Trevor’s Instagram at

Interact with Trevor on Facebook for another chance to get noticed. Like The Daily Show, Trevor has a Facebook fan page. Like this page and leave comments on his posts. If you’re persistent, he may notice your interactions and reach out to you. Like his page at Direct messaging is also disabled on this page, so you won’t be able to contact Trevor directly.

Comment on Trevor’s YouTube channel to compliment his routines. Trevor maintains a YouTube channel to post some of his comedy routines. Subscribe to his channel and leave comments on his videos. He may like or comment back to your messages. Remember to keep your comments positive. Trevor will probably ignore or block people who consistently leave nasty comments.

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